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(not proofread)
➥Third person pov

"what the heck Chan" Felix yelled with flour on his hair.

"oh- i'm so sorry i didn't notice, here let me help you" Chan looked down at the younger and secretly had more flour and rubbed it on Felix's face.

"aaghhh" Felix brought his hands to his face wiping out what he could.

"you idiot" Felix threw flour at the older and ran away

He was running up the stairs with Chan following close behind him, and he was about to reach the last step when his foot slipt causing him to fall over backwards.

He closed his eyes wait for the moment that he would fall down on the stairs, tumbling down then passing out and ending up in a hospital bed, but that moment never came, instead he felt like he was flying despite the fact that he was being held up by two very strong pale arms.

The younger slowly started opening his eyes and when they did, his eyes met Chan's very beautiful eyes. To Felix, Chan's eyes were so beautiful and somehow reminded him of chocolates and stars. To Chan, Felix's eyes looked beautiful as well, and he swore they held the whole universe in them. His eyes flickered from the younger's eyes to his freckles to his his lips and back to his eyes, both males getting lost into each other's eyes until they heard a knock on the door. They got startled and Chan helped Felix stand up straight.

Chan walked down the stairs and looked through the window to see Felix's dad's car meaning. "who is it?" Felix said coming up behind the older "it's your dad" he turned around smiling at Felix "wait really??!!" he smiled back at Chan and he pushed passed him and eagerly opening the door, when he finally swung it open and immediately hugged his dad.

"dad I missed you so much!!!" his father chuckled "I miss you too Felix" They pulled away and Felix was curious why his mom wasn't here since they always come together

"hey dad, where's mom?"

"ah she caught the flu so she had to stay back in Australia" Felix pouted "i'll call her right now" He went up to his room and called his room while Chan and Felix's dad stayed downstairs "well hi there Chan, it's a while" they both laughed "yea it had been, how have you been?" Chan asked

"I've been great actually, just wondering when Felix will show up with a boyfriend, me and his mother have been waiting for a long time" Chan smiled thinking about being boyfriends with Felix and telling both his and Felix's parents. They both came out to their parents, and luckily for them, they were very happy and accepted them.

What Chan didn't know was that his parents and Felix's parents wanted them to end up together. Felix was always open to his parents about his crush the older since they he was very young, what he didn't know was that Chan's parents also wanted them together.

"so how have you to been holding up in this house?" Felix's father said "we have been good, i'm really glad we made the decision of getting a place together" Chan smiled as they both sat down on the couch.

"has anything exciting happen since the last time i came?"

"umm, n-no, not at all" He blushed and tried to keep calm recalling that night

"hmm doesn't look like it, but i'll change the topic now" he said chuckling a bit leaving Chan confused

A few minutes passed and they were having a nice conversation when Felix started coming down the stairs.

"I called mom and she said she's getting better and she's sorry she couldn't come"

"aww i'm sorry Lix, i will come back next time with her" he smiled hugging his son

"you better" he hugged back

"i feel so left out..." they heard Chan sigh

"come here you big baby" and with that coming out of Felix mouth he joined making it a group hug.

"i'm so glad you became friends with him Felix, now i have someone to drink with"

"ugh dad what the fuck"

"language young man" Felix's dad glared at the freckled boy

"looks who's talking, the person who taught me my first curse word" Felix said

"you taught his him first curse word?" Chan said

"yes, and i'm very proud of myself for that" Felix's dad said proudly, Chan and Felix's dad ended up drinking while Felix watched over them. The house was filled with laughter and happiness.

Everything was so perfect in that moment.

Thank you for reading!!! ❤️


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