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17 Years Ago

Felix walked hand-in-hand with his Mother heading towards a big building

"mum i'm scared I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with shu" felix whined

"aw baby lix don't be scared, you'll meet a friend or friends in kindergarten, they are gonna be with you so don't be scared" his mother

"o-okie mum byebye I love shu"

his mother laughed a little because of felix habit of saying shu not you

"I love you too felix byebye" his mother hugged him with a kiss on the forehead

as felix started walking through the door of his class he bumped into a boy making him felix fall

"oh no a-are you o-okay" the boy asked worried

he pulled out his hand so felix could get up

"yea i'm okay thank shu" felix had said while grabbing the boys hand to get up

"i'm felix and shu" felix smiled sweetly

"i'm chris or chan, whatever you want to call me and im 6 years old"

"so chan shu not in k-kindergarten?" felix asked

"no i'm in first grade but we can still be friends and kindergarten and first grade have recess together" chan smiled as he said that

"we do yayyy also can I call shu channie" felix smiled

"yes only if I can call you...lix" chan said

felix giggled like a little baby "yes shu can and my mummy calls me that"

they both smiled at each other

two hours later

*beep beep*

"ok guys it's time for your first recess follow me" Mrs.Bb said sweetly

when they had got to the playground the teacher said they can go on and play. felix tan started playing with the sand until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

felix looked up to meet chan

"CHANNIE!!" felix screamed happily

"hahha hi lix can we play with the sand together" chan said

"yesh we can"

"let's make a big hill"chan said

"yes yesh" felix smiled

once they were done they were pretty happy felix had said it was like a castle

"yes it is and i'm the prince"chan had said while smiling and waving like a prince does

"i'll be princess then" felix blushed and chan smile went really big

"yes you can and we can get married"

felix gasped

"will you marry me?" felix asked and surprisingly said you instead of shu

"in the future" chan said

"promise?" felix held up his pinky

"promise" chan put his pinky up and made a pinky promise, sealing with felix...

...and that's where it all began.

hope you liked this it's a flashback of how chanlix met (not really just in the story) and promising to marry each other.

will it come true or not?? ig we will find out


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