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➥Felix's pov

i don't want to do it, we just met each other and i have never done it before

"b-but we just met each other" changbin said

"uh well i guess your right so let's change it, drink this whole bottle felix" hyunjin said pulling out a whole other bottle out of nowhere

"okok" i grabbed the and started chugging it, i stopped for a little but then drank it all

if i wasn't drunk before i sure am now, we could hear minho and jisung from down here and decided to put on some music

we played a few more rounds and minho and jisung came down stairs with their hair and clothes all messed up

"that definitely wasn't just a make out huh?" changbin said laughing

"shut up" jisung said and sat on minhos lap

"wanna watch frozen 2"jeongin jumped up

"sure" everything me said obviously everyone was drunk at this point

the movie started and it was minho and jisung cuddles up, jeongin,hyunjin, seungmin and lastly i had my head on changbin's shoulder


after a few hours the movie was about to finish. It was already 10 pm and i got a bunch of messages from chan

-four hours ago

➥Chan's pov

i had just gotten out of my car because i bought flowers for lina.

i was gonna pick her up at her house and then we would go out and then to my house it was out two month anniversary.

i got to her house and knocked on the door but i got no answer i knocked again and again not answer i turned the knob and it was open


i heard something coming from upstairs so i went there. It was coming from linas room

as i got closer to the door i heard moaning, so i opened the door and it slammed on the wall

lina was having sex with my friend.....brandon
(random name idc because he's not important)

"what the fuck lina"

"babe stop i can explain, it's all a misunderstanding-" she said while wrapping a blanket around herself

"no shut up we're done and you get the fuck out of my life" i turned around really mad

i don't get it i did nothing but be sweet to her and take care for her and she goes and fucks one of my friends friend

i was driving and it started raining


it took a while because of traffic, once i got home all i needed was gummy bears, ice cream and felix

i soon realized that he's not even home

ugh he's always home and when i need him he's not he's hanging out with his new friends.
what now am i gonna lose him too

i got home and just put on frozen 2 and got my gummy bears and ice cream but no felix. it didn't taste the same maybe it's because felix wasn't here

a few hours passed bye and it was already 10 on i was on my phone so i decided to text felix

when are you getting home??
i need you here!!
lina cheated on me
and now i need my bestfriend
so please come back home now

channie omsbag
i be home ryugjt nof

lix are you okay??

i neud rude hinw
see shu un whule

are you drunk??
wtf come home right away
you're not staying there any longer
send me the address

ok lwt mr ask changbinnie
*send address*

ok i'm coming to get you now
don't go anywhere
and don't do anything stupid

➥Felix's pov

i was currently on changbin's lap and we were talking about random stuff nothing much a few minutes later me and changbin where kissing and he was grabbing my hips and his hands going down to my ass, which sent shivers down my spine.

there was knock on the door but i didn't care we kept making out

"felix what the fuck let's go" i heard someone say

i stopped and looked back to see chan, i jumped off changbin and ran to chan giving him a hug

"hi channie i miss shuuu" i said smiling

"let's go home lix" chan said picking me up and taking me to the car leaving everyone confused

"aagghh stappp"i said lightly hitting chan

"sshhh just rest we'll be home soon"

we finally got home and chan got me out of the car and into the house not forgetting to lock the car and the front door

he went upstairs, into my room and he dropped me onto the bed

"i'm uncomfortable" felix said

"ok let's get you changed"

➥Chan's pov

i went and got his matching pajamas they were filled with strawberries and it was pink and white, cute

i got him changed and he hugged me

"channie stay with me, please" he said half asleep

"sure loser" i smiled at him and i hugged him and he hugged me back

he soon feel asleep, but i couldn't something was bothering me and my mind brought me back to the image of felix kissing changhin or whatever his name is

i felt sad and mad in some way...maybe jealous but i denied it.

i shrugged it off and went to sleep, hopefully this feeling would go away

oh boy that feeling ain't going anywhere...well hope you guys liked this chapter. i'll try my best to do two chapters tomorrow if you guys would like. GOODNIGHT:)


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