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.... wow Hyunjin did so good and it was so beautiful i'm so glad he's doing what he loves and that he is going well makes me feel so happy I missed him so much it still feels kind of unreal yk AND WE ARE HAVING COMEBACK OMGGG after 11 months we will have comeback i'm so happy I already know ill love it skz are so hard working and talented the trailer was amazing it was like marvel movie trailer I would pay just to see the trailer at theater hahahaha ok now on with story

also kind of not really a filler chapter

➥Third person pov

"ok so... we are telling them today"

"yea i'm nervous though..."

"me too but just knock"

"what?!!?! me?? why me why not you??"

"Minho baby just do it i'm too nervous"

"fine only because I love you"

"aww I love you more minmin"

Minho knocked on the door three times....

no answer

he knocked again and again....

no answer

"ok what the fuck their cars are here why are they not answering"

Jisung went to go knock when the door open and his fist almost hitting Felix who answered the door in just a long short probably Chan's

"woah ji calm down no need to get aggressive" the younger joked

"shut up let us in"

"of course your majesty" Felix playfully rolled his eyes

"I called the others over we need tell you all something"

"should i be worried??"

"not at all" Minho smiled pulling Jisung onto his lap hugging his waist making the other lean back onto Minho's chest

"so cute..." Felix whispered, smiling looking at the couple


"Channie wake up" he kissed the older who was waking up 

Chan opened his eyes and immediately smiled looking at his boyfriend  pulling him into another kiss, this one much longer and passionate 

"we can't go any further babe Sungie and Minho are here" Felix said making Chan groan

"why are they here so early in the morning" Chan said pulling the younger on top of him, "uhh baby its 2 pm we slept till 2 pm" Felix said looking at Chan who open his eyes and his mouth was wide open 

"woah... guess yesterday really made us tired huh?" the older smirked but was soon flicked on the forehead "shut up you idiot and Hannie and Min had something important to tell us apparently so lets go downstairs before they suspect we are doing something else"

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