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^^ is a grape ^^
Tw: slight smut/nswf
I'll put ‼️ when it starts
Also, this whole chapter is Hyunin based

➥Hyunjin's pov

I'm mad.

Why is Seungmin looking at Changbin like that? Why isn't the looking at me like that? Can't he see i've been in love him for ages? He is the only that fully understands me. Now I can't get the image of them kissing. I just want to slap the smile off Changbins face. I clenched my fits looking at him. I suddenly felt something soft on top of my hand. I looked and saw a hand, Jeongins hand. He looked at me and smiled.


Why couldn't you be the one I love, if You loved me and I loved you. It would be so easy, but

What? No, me and him, never...right

"calm down, what's going on?" Jeongin asked sweetly

"w-what- oh nothing nothing" I responded, but I kept staring at him.

Why have I never noticed how pretty he is?

After a while I looked away, and it seemed that every couple was in their own world. I just sat awkwardly with Jeongin on my lap. Why did Seungmin even dare him to do this.


➥Third person pov

He was cut out of my thoughts when he felt Jeongin move around his lap, a little too close to his crotch. "f-fuck" Hyunjin mumbled only low enough that Jeongin heard it. He looked at him and smirked.

Hyunjin thought it was a mistake and was confused on why he was smirking. Then the younger slowly started moving around his . Everyone forgot about the game so they just all started talking. They apparently said something funny and Jeongin clapped his hands in excitement, while also bouncing on the older. "aah s-stop" he moaned out so only Jeongin heard it, or so he thought.

"what's wrong.....daddy" (a/n: idk what i'm doing, should I just delete this story and fly across the country???) Hyunjin was shocked of what came out of his mouth, but at the exact moment he lost it. He picked him up and the others looked at them confused and started asking where they were going. He ignored all of them and started making his way up the stairs. Soon enough he made it to his room door and opened it, with jeongins legs wrapped around his waist.

Hyunjin closed the door and locked it. When he reached the bed and he threw him on it. "what the fuck was that huh?" He said hovering over the younger

"i'm just teasing you"he still had a smirk on his face

"now why would you do that" he was never like this, he was always inoccent and would just be cute around the older. This is a side of him that he has never seen, but he somehow it

"I want to, and it looks like you were enjoying it" he pointed down to his pants, which you could clearly see a bulge.

Jeongin grabbed the back of Hyunjins neck and our lips touched, they felt so familiar yet not at same time.

He couldn't control himself and kissed back, his hands started roaming around the others waist and thighs. Our crotch rubbed against each other causing friction, which caused both of us to moaned even more into the kiss.

Hyunjins lips went from his lips to his jawline kissing it and went down to his neck. He sucked on his neck, that would surely leave a mark. He kept moaning, which turned the older on even more. Hyunjin realized what he was doing and stopped and got off him.


"s-shit Jeongin i'm sorry, I didn't mean to"

"I don't care, stop apologizing, i want this, i want more, give me more" He slurred his words, he finally realized the younger was really drunk. Jeongin got on his lap again, and began kissing him again, but Hyunjin stopped it once again.

"Jeongin we can't this wrong, you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing"

"Why? What's so wrong with this? It not like we haven't done this before" Hyunjin looked at him confused

"What? You don't know what you're saying" he shook his head "let's just go back down-"

"no no mister, you can't do that, you've fucked me be-before, o-oh that right you can't remember because you were drunk as fuck"

"Jeongin, you don't know what you saying, let's just go back downstairs!!" He screamed at him without even noticing

When he was about to open the door and leave when he heard sobs coming from behind him. He quickly looked behind and saw Jeongin crying and his face soften and realized what he had done and went back to him to apologize.

"Oh god Innie, i'm so sorry i didn't mean to scream at you, please forgive me, can you Innie?" He crossed his arms

"Innie" no response "Innie" no response again
"baby please answer me" still no response "kitten come on, please respond" he said, hoping the name would catch his attention, and he was right. He looked at the older and smiled

"Call me that again, please"

"what....Innie??" He knew what he wanted, but decided to play around with him.

"nooo, the other one"

"ohh, you mean baby, right??"

"nooo Jinnie please please"

"I don't know what you want kitten you have to be more specific" he smirked

"that one that one that one" he giggled

God, his giggles were something i'd want to hear forever, but why was he getting like this...as if he liked him or something. Why was his heart beating so fast? Why were his cheeks getting hot and red? He looked at the younger and he was pouting while looking at me.

"What happen Innie?"

"n-nothing wanna go back downstairs?"

"actually let's just cuddle, it's getting late anyways, i'll give you some clothes"

"okayy, thank you Jinnie, i love you" He said kissing me cheeks. He went to go get clothes for the other, but he found himself smiling while doing that.

"Yang Jeongin, What are you doing to me?"

Hopefully you guys are okay with this chapter being Hyunin focused, I hope you enjoyed this update. If you guys have any suggestions feel free to comment or dm me ^^

i love you


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