♡ 10 ♡

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(i'm sorry if there's spelling errors)

➥Chan's pov

i woke up the next morning hugging felixs waist while he was snuggled up in my chest

he's so cute, and his lips look so soft and kissable i wonder what would happen if i just ki-NO NO don't think about that he's your bestfriend

i felt felix start to wake up amd once he opened his eyes he stared at me for a few seconds and ran into the bathroom


➥Felix's pov

what the hell he was so close to me and his lips they looked so nice i just wish i could kiss them. he was also shirtless which showed all his abs and muscles, it made me feel really weak

god felix you horny motherfucker

i say in the bathroom floor breathing hard and i heard a knock "hey lix you good also good morning"

"what? huh? o-oh yea i am morning" i got up and put water on my face and brushed my teeth

i got changed then headed downstairs where chan was cooking breakfast

"hey hey hey careful don't burn down my kitchen" i warned him

"ok mom" he teased me and i shushed him

"so what happen last night i barley remember" i said

"well just look at your messages and i'll tell you the rest

i got my phone and looked through them


"she c-cheated on you" i said shocked but a part of me happy, i feel so evil

"yup with brandon"

"bran- wow im sorry i wasn't here"

"it's okay i went to pick you up and looks like you were having fun" he sounded weird

"what do you mean??"i asked

"you don't remember, ahh well you were making out with your new buddy" chan said

he sounded jealous...was it jealousy or just my imagination. what am i saying chan being jealous nope ofc i'm imagining things

"oh i'm sorry i wish i was here for you" i went around the counter and hugged him which made me feel safe, i smiled and blushed

wait i was making out with changbin!! omg what am i gonna do...do i like him? if i don't am i just leading him on. i don't want to lead him on i feel so bad omg

"it's okay lix i guess she wasn't the one hopefully i'll find someone soon. Someone who actually loves me and cares for me, Not use me. well i guess i'll be waiting a long time"

i could be that someone

-a week later

me and changbin had been texting all week but he doesn't remember us making out so i guess that's good. Chan had been getting clingy with me i don't mind it at all but i'm just wondering why. He had seemed to get over his break up pretty quick too.

right now me and chan where watching a movie i had my head on his lap and he was stroking my hair i was smiling through out the movie just because of that

i got up to go to the bathroom but was pulled back "where are you going?" chan asked

i was on top of him "i-i was just going to the bathroom"

"oh okay" but neither of us moved or said anything we just stared into each other's eyes

my eyes went from his eyes to his lips many times and he did the same

my heart was beating so fast i didn't know why he was looking at me like that

i noticed he started to lean in. I closed my eyes and then suddenly i felt his lips on my lips it felt so magical and amazing his lips were so soft. He started to kiss me more deeply but it was nice and gentle

i couldn't believe what was happening


after me having a once sided crush and making up scenarios in my head about him for the past 11 years i was finally kissing him.

soon we pulled away and opened our eyes slowly we looked at each other and he grabbed my cheeks and gently creased them. He pulled me into a kiss again this time it was rough and pushed me down onto the couch

he slide his tongue on my bottom lip asking for an entrance which i gladly accepted. I felt his hand on my lips and slightly going up my shirt

the kiss was getting rougher that i moaned a little bit. i was surprised but kept kissing him

we kept making out for about 5 more mintues until we pulled away out of breath.

we looked at each other we were both surprised about what just happen, and i had stood up

"um i need to go body the shower- shit i-i mean shower you know" i look slowly went up the stair then started running to my room

when i got to my room i locked my door and dropped myself on my bed giggling like a 5 year old and screaming into my pillow

"omg chan was kissing me" i mumbled to myself

i stayed there looking to the roof for a bit more and decided to get up. I took a shower and changed brushed my teeth and got under the cover of my bed.

wait does chan like me or...was it just a little rebound moment

i closed my eyes

i don't know but right now i just want to sleep

and i did, i went to sleep hoping that tomorrow wasn't going to be awkward between us.

hope you guys liked this chapter also should i or should i not put my phone in water and then play miroh?? i'm honestly considering it



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