
984 37 24

Also, I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing or weird
Not Proofread !!

➥Chan's pov

I messed up

Why did I do that? I really fucked up, big time. I shouldn't have done that, but right now all I can do is to wait 'till he comes back. I really never meant to hurt him or scare him off like that. I'm so scared that he won't want to be near me again.

What if he doesn't come home tonight? What if he leave and never comes back to me?

Many questions were running through my head at the moment.

I did not want Felix to look at me and remember him.


➥Third person pov

(this is after the amusement park, and right now they are in an ice cream place located near the park)

"Hello!! Welcome to Kookies ice cream palace, what can I get for you?" the boy at the counter welcomed the two other boys

"hii, i'll get a strawberry ice cream please" Felix responded

"and i'll take cookies n cream ice cream" Leo said

"ok, you two can take a seat by the window and i'll bring your ice cream soon!!"

the two boys sat down by the window and starting having a conversation about whatever came up, but then Leo asked the younger a question he was hoping wouldn't come up

"so i'm when I went to pick you up earlier, you seemed scared or just worried, what happened??"

Felix froze not knowing what to say, he decided to make just avoid the question

"oh it was nothing, please don't worry" He looked down but soon looked back up and smiled

"so um how old are you??" he chuckled a bit

"oh i'm 24 and you?"

"2-24?? wow i thought you'd be younger"

"i'll take that as a compliment"

"oh i'm 21...do you like have a job?"

"yes i do actually it's a modeling company, you might know, i'm not sure but it's called [I cant think so pretend I put something here]"

"oh y-you work there,wait you're a model? that's really amazing" his eyes widened

"no i'm not a model, i'm the son of the current ceo and i'll soon be the next ceo" Felix lost it

"what the fuck, why are hanging out with me I literally work at a bakery shop plus i almost dropped out but that's besides the point"

"wait what- nvm, but there's nothing bad with that, and plus you seem interesting"

"and you would actually make a great model" he added

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