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➥Felix's pov

Me and Changbin had just gotten to his house. I feel bad that i left Chan, but i didn't want to stay with him. I'm just thinking to go back home tomorrow and act like nothing happen, because it doesn't matter what my feelings are for him.

I will always be like a little brother to him...

Changbin got off the car and ran to my side and help me get out.

He turned his back to me and bend down, i looked at him confused and he looked back to me "here get on my back it'll be faster, just be careful not to fall "

i'm so dumb

i let out a little 'oh' before proceeding to do what he had just said.

he unlocked the front down and he got us inside, closing the door behind with his leg.

i look around his house and wtf it was beautiful it wasn't too big but also not small either.

"i wouldn't be surprised if you and your friends turned out to be in a mafia or something... hyunjin house and your house are beautiful, i can't imagine the rest of your friend groups places " i look around in awe

Changbin chuckled, "i guess you'll have to find out if that's true" i looked at him not knowing if it was a joke, he had opened his bedroom door and lightly put me down on his bed. I still looked at him not knowing if he was joking or not.

"i'm joking lix, we just come from kinda rich families, and we have well payed jobs" he laughed

"oh thank god, i really thought i was about be in a while fan fiction or something" changbin layed next to me and we stared at each other for quite sometime before he picked me up and led me to what seemed the bathroom.

"w-what are you do-?? wh-what a-re you-" he put me down on the bathroom counter and left.

i sat there confused, he quickly came back with an aid kit in his hands. thank god because my mind was about to go elsewhere. i kinda also forgot i was hurt.

i am the stupidest bitch ever

he opened the kit and started taking out what was needed.

"you know i can do this myself, you don't need to worry-"

"no i want to do it, i want to help you" he cut me off looking into my eyes

i coughed and looked down "well um thank you Changbin"

once he finished putting ointment and band aids, which were cute hello kitty ones. i didn't mind it was cute but he was embarrassed, so he explained how his niece usually comes over and when she gets hurt she won't put band aids unless they are hello kitty.

"thank you again changbin" I slid down the counter and gently got on the ground.

"i'll be right back ima go get you some clothes"

i nodded.

i stood there spacing off thinking about what had happen earlier. i got my phone from my back pocket and went straight to messaged chan.

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