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➥Chan's pov

we had just got into the car heading to the park to just chill there, but i wanted to ask felix who that guy was.

"lix"i called out getting no response "lix" i said again, and again and again and no response so i stopped once i got to the red light and looked him. He was smiling down at his phone i leaned in to see and i saw was a blushing emoji before he turned the phone so i wouldn't see "what do you want channie?"

"i don't know maybe because i called out your name many times and you weren't responding so i had to see why i wasn't getting attention" i pouted

"mate chill, i was just texting someone i just met at the grocery store" felix smiled

"you mean that changbinnie guy you were with right before we went to go pay?"

"yea we exchanged numbers he was really cute, his name is changbin i just thought chnagbinnie was nice on him" he blushed like i have never seen before

something in me got sad but i don't why there's no reason to be sad about, right?

"ok and you can text him later" i snatched his phone and put it in my pocket and the free light came on "right now enjoy this beautiful day with me"

"ugh rude give me my phone back and plus i have been telling you about doing this for what now 3 months and you never wanted to go" he complained

"well i'm here now am i not,you idiot"

"i'm not an idiot you bitch"







"sl-" felix cut him off

"better not finish that word stupid"

"whatever loser" i smiled and parked

we got off and brought the bag of snakes we bought it was now around 3 pm so we have time to stay here and then go to the amusement park. we sat down at a bench and felix had opened the gummy bears so i tired to put my hand in the bag to get some but felix had slapped my hand


"ok ok fine chill cutie" i said

➥Felix's pov

"ok ok fine chill cutie" chan said

i blushed once he said that. i mean he has said it before but just like this time he's just playing around.

"give me my phone" i held my hand out while eating he took it out but didn't give it so i snatched that shit

"bish please gtfo"


an hour maybe a little more went by and we were getting in the car and we drove to the amusement park. (skip the whole entrance thingy)

when we finally go tun i was smiling like a little child cause it was so pretty all the lights and-

chan's phone started dinging a lot and he looked at it and bit his lip. "you good who was it"

don't be dumb you know it's some girl

"huh?" he looked up "oh nothing just a instagram notification" he lied and started walking towards a ride and i followed behind like a lost puppy

"oooo let's go to that one it looks so fun" i looked up at the y'all ride

chan looked at me as if i was crazy but i grabbed his hand and forced him on to the ride. we got buckled up he intertwined our hands cause he was scared. i just looked at our hands with a smile the ride was going up and up and up and was about to drop i looked coward and i felt chan squeez my hand tightly and next you know i was screaming but not as much as the person next to me.

when we got off chan still had his in mine and we walked around and we stopped to sit down cause this idiot could barley walk from how shaken up he was.

"at least you didn't die" i said trying to speed things up because i wanted to go to the merry go round it had the teacup so i wanted to go spin it very fast

"let's go" we were in line when chan started saying something but it wasn't to me

"hey baby you look gorgeous" i look to the side and see this really pretty girl with chan an di realized it's his girlfriend...great

"hey Lina is joining us is that okay?"

"if not we'll just leave"


i didn't say anything i just stood there like a teenage girl that just got her heartbroken

"i-" before i could get the words out his girlfriend had something to say

"i'm not feeling very well and my friend ditched me for a guy i slid don't have a ride home so i was hoping you could take me back home" at this point they opened the gate so we could go into the ride chan kept looking back and coward between me and lina

"hey lix im sorry i'll meet you at home" and with that he walked away with her

i started crying and i got down into a squat, i got a few stares but i didn't care, i fucking hate him one i find out he has a girlfriend two im literally a crying mess because of him and three i don't have a ride home

ughh can something good just happen right now-

"lix?" i heard two different people call out so i wiped my tears as good as i can and turned around

who do you think the two people are??? also hoped you liked this chapter

——————————————————who do you think the two people are??? also hoped you liked this chapter

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this isn't skz related but  THEY LOOK SO GOOD AAHHHH


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