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(not proofread and it's mostly jeongin pov)

➥Felix's pov

"wait how did you get into the room, the door was locked"

"woah woah woah, first, the lock is broken and i'm too broke to fix it. two why'd you need to lock the door, what were you guys planning on doing if we didn't come?" hyunjin raised an eyebrow while smirking

"Can't you already tell what was going to happen" chan said bravely

"oh- wait hold on jeongin you need to say on hyunjins lap for the rest of the game, so go ahead leave" seungmin stated

"but this is-"

Chan and I just sat on the bed and watched the scene unfold in front of them. Hyunjin was now on the ground, jeongin being the cause, because he literally threw him on the ground and jeongin just sat himself in his lap. All the others were looking at jeongin.

"what, a dares a dare" jeongin looked at me and Chan turning the others focus on us...again.

"aaaa okok let's just go back down and finish the game" i got up and stumbled to the door, still being a little drunk, but to the point where i was fully aware of what was happening.

Everyone just followed me downstairs back to where we were before.

➥Jeongin's pov

"ok truth or dare is boring now, let's play never have i ever, drinking addition" jisung suggested , everyone saying yes

"oh yes, but how does it work?" everyone shook their head at me

"It's simple, we say 'never have i ever blah blah blah' if you have done it you drink, if you haven't done it you don't drink" seungmin said

"ooo ok this is gonna be eventful" I laughed evilly

"you scare me sometimes" jisung scooting away from me

"okok let's start" hyunjin said

"i'll go first, never have i ever gotten detention"

"ugh what are we in high school" everyone drank except for Felix

"what the fuck, you've never have gotten detention" minho looked at Felix like he was some type of ailen "wow i guess he's really innocent"

"i mean i wouldn't say innocent-" felix cut off chan

I could feel the tension between Chan, Felix, and Changbin. I rolled my eyes.

You could clearly see that Felix was full on in love with Chan, while Chan was into him too, but something about it seems suspicious. Changbin obviously had some sort of crush on Felix. Which Seungmin didn't like, considering he has had a crush on Changbin since he was 16. I will say thought, after Changbin and Seungmin kissed though, Changbin had been staring at Seungmin more, maybe he's starting to realize he liked Seungmin, but we will see how this turns out.

"ok next, never have i ever gotten arrested" Felix said after cutting Chan off

minho, jisung, hyunjin and seungmin all drank

"wait what. you guys got arrested- what? when? how?why?" I freaked out

"shh you baby, i'll explain" blushed when hyunjin talked to him

"remember that ex of yours that...you know..cheated" I nodded his head slowly, it still kinda hurt knowing someone who told me they loved me, just cheated on me and later broke up with me, it was like i was some lego being pushed to the side (a/n:👁👄👁)

"well jisung and seungmin wanted to get revenge on him, minho didn't want jisung to go but then he ended up going with. Dumbass. I went because..." he looked at seungmin but then quickly turned back to jeongin

"because i wanted to get revenge, for him hurting you"

because you like seungmin and you didn't want him to go, but you ended up doing the same thing as minho

"so we spray painted his house and egged it too and they called the police, and after changbin bailed us out"

"ooo plus we put up a sign saying 'cheater' it felt good idc if i got arrested"

"are you guys dumb?!!?! who cares if he cheated, I got over it. You didn't need to get arrested for me" I got mad at the 4 sitting around me

"who cares it was fun, plus i'd do it again"

they all started laughing, me joining the laughter as well

"ok i wanna do it, never have i ever fallen in love with your bestfriend" I said it so I could drink but everyone ended up drinking

"wait what?!?! woah, everyone spill"seungmin said

"me and jisung" that's all minho had to say, they all already knew about that

"jeongin and you?" I blushed of embarrassment "um well- it was a long time ago, it's not worth saying it"


"omg the little baby is in love, tell me, i'm one of your bestfriends"

so fucking oblivious

"nono it's not important anymore"

more lies

"fine fine but i'll get the truth out one day"

but you'll probably ever realize, or worse...it'll be too late

"okayyy, never have i ever had sex" jeongin said

"woah, what do you know about sex" changbin got mad

they all just wanted me to be an inoccent little baby, which i am not by the way

"a lot actually" i said drinking

"wait you've had sex before" jisung looked like he was seeing a ghost

"yes i have"

no lies there

"woah, who, ill beat their ass for touching our baby " minho said while everyone was getting mad well except Felix and Chan they. I could see them both drank too and looked at each other, blushing.

That would be nice...to have someone that looks at you like that, like you mean the world to him

"it was someone two years ago, no one to worry about, they aren't important"


"i'll get the truth out of you one day, i'll find who ever did that and beat their ass" hyunjin said

good luck beating yourself up

the only person that knew everything was seungmin, i tell him everything, and he tells me everything. he feels bad everytime hyunjin pays attention to him and not me, but that's just how my sad life is....

i'm so sorry for making jeongin sad, i'm sorry, but maybe he won't be for long

also i'm sorry for the late update 😔 but i hope you liked the chapter in some way, i hope you have an amazing day/night 🥺🤍


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