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(not proofread, like always)

➥Third person pov

-Saturday, 2:37 pm

Felix was just waking up to take a shower, he has overslept since he decided to take a night shift last night.

'Stupid' he thought

He was getting up from my bed when suddenly two arms wrapped around his waist pulling in back. He turned around facing Chan.

"Channie i need to get up and get ready"

"why? we aren't doing anything today" he said half awake

"well i am, i'm going to hang out with Leo" that's when Chan sat up not so sleepy anymore


"what do you mean no?"

"i don't want you to go with him"

"he's my new friend and this is our first time hanging out"

"you saw him two times that's enough"

"ughh, stop being so jealous"

"i'm not jealous, i just don't trust him"

"you don't even know him"


"whatever, i'm going whether you like it or not"

Felix got up out of the orders grip and walked into the bathroom. He turned the shower on and took of his clothes. He got in and felt the warm water hit his body.

He has put music and he started washing his hair, not aware that the door had just open.

The glass door to the shower open, the younger still not noticing, that was until he felt arms slowly wrapping thematic around his waist.

"ahh, what the fuck-" he turned around and saw Chan and quickly turned back around.

"i'm naked and y-you're naked" he closed his eyes

"so? it's nothing we both haven't seen before" he said turning Felix around

Warning: sexual content, nsfw  !!

Felix tried his hardest not to look now but that didn't work because his eyes soon wandered down to the older's abs down to his waist to his dick. His eyes widened still not used to seeing him like this. He looked back up to see Chan smirking.

"like what you see" he pulled the younger closer to him causing both of their bodies up against each other

Chan kissed the younger's lips and made his way down to his neck sucking on different places leaving marks making Felix moan out in pleasure. Felix was feeling brave so he reached down towards Chan dick and started rubbing the tip teasing him.

"f-fuck stop teasing" he grabbed the shorter's face made his look at him

"what if i don't want to stop" Felix smirked soon regretting saying that because the next second he was pushed up against the wall feeling the cold surface touch his back. He was picked up feeling hands grab his thighs making needy and he was kissed roughly. He kissed back and reached his hand to the others hair, gripping it. Felix went from the older' slips to his neck, sucking and biting in them leaving marks.

"do you want to do it right now?" the older asked

"fuck yes"


-ariana <3

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