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pre debut jisung 🥰


➥Changbin's pov

I watched Felix cling onto Chan the whole time they were here, it was kinda making me mad, but something would always shift my focus off them. That something being a someone, and that someone would be none other than Kim Seungmin.

I don't get it. I've never looked at him as more than a friend, and now all of a sudden i'm feeling something i don't understand and all I want is to feel kiss soft lips against mine. It's just so confusing.

I looked up from the ground and I caught Seungmin staring at me with a small smile on his face. He looked so cute, it felt like i was frozen in time just by looking at him. His eyes widened and his cute like puppy face turn to a bright shade of red, and he looked away. I smiled, my mind was completely off Felix and Chan. The only thing that was on my mind was him, Kim Seungmin.

Maybe, just maybe, me and him could work out.

➥Felix's pov

I feel bad for Changbin. Even though he seems pretty interested in Seungmin now, I lead him on thinking something between us could happen. I also made myself believe that I was starting to like him, when in reality I just wanted to get over Chan by using him, and that obviously wouldn't have happen. I was being selfish, i'm going to talk to him later and explain to him, hopefully he can understand. As much as a great and amazing person Changbin is, there is nothing and no one compared to Chan. I really don't care how much my heart hurts, how much i cried over him, how many times i've been heartbroken. It's like I can never get over him. He's my soulmate, my other half and if i ever lost him, i would be so lost and alone in this world.

I know that to others he may seem like an asshole and a guy who sleeps around with everyone, but deep down I know that's not the real him. Deep down he's one of the most sweetest, kindest, loving, caring person you would ever meet. If you get to know him personally, you would never ever want to hurt him and if you ever did it would break you.

I wonder what it would feel like to call him mine. To wake up every morning, not just in the same house but in the same bed. The bet was still in my mind, does he know i know about it? does he want to keep going on with the bet? is him being all lovey-dovey with me just an act?

I had all these questions in my head, hoping some day the answer will soon come out. A part of me doesn't want to know because they all might turn out to be a yes. The only question i want there to be a yes answer to is, did he mean what we did the other day? I was brought back to reality when chan spoke to me.

"hey lix, you seem tired wanna go to bed"

"oh hyung, im not tired I was just daydreaming"

"about what huh?" he looked in my eyes smiling

I looked at me wondering if i should ask him the questions, but i decided not to, considering it wasn't the right time and plus i wasn't ready to hear the answer. I wanted to believe that we could get this relationship somewhere. So the only other option was to lie.

"I'm thinking that i should eat"

you idiot, any other response could've been okay

"eat? you were thinking of eating all that time?"

"uh yes, i'm hungry, who do you think you are questioning me and my thoughts" i snapped back as a joke

he rolled his eyes "ok fine, you were thinking of eating...while staring a me" he chuckled "i know exactly what you'd want" he smirked

"ew no you loser, not that" i faked being mad

"i'm joking lix, forgive me"he pouted

"ughh, you're so frustrating"

"come here you little baby" he opened his arms. I gave in and scooted closer to him, finally he wrapped his arms around me and i felt comfortable and safe.

I just hope nothing stands in the way of what we could have soon.

kinda short chapter, im sorry, but i am doing a double update today, so i'll update later hehe i love you ❤️

-ariana <3

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