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⚠️Nsfw Content , like last time i'll put a "‼️ " when it's going to start ⚠️

➥Chan's pov
(time skip because a bitch is being lazy)

We were in the car on our way to Felix's friends house. I honestly don't feel like being there, i don't know who these people are, but i just wanted to come, and it maybe had to do with Felix being alone with that Changbin guy.

I looked to Felix to see if he knew which house it is, and he did since he was there before.

"it's that one hyung...no no i said that one, you passed it" he giggled, it was the cutest shit ever

Once we parked in the driveway, Felix immediately got off, and turned off the car. I catches up to Felix and he knocked on the door eagerly. A few second after, the door opened and revealed a squirrel like boy and changbin behind him.

"omgg Felix aussie, i missed you" i mentally cringed after he said that

"omg hi im Jisung, Han Jisung and you must be...um i forgot hold up let me see the texts-"he pulled out his phone but i stopped him

"Hi there, i'm bang chan and you could've asked me"

"oh right, hi Chan let's go met the others"

Felix giggled, AGAIN, why is him giggling so cute, he's been doing that for ages. Why is affecting me now?

I grabbed Felix by the waist as we were walking and pulled him to my other side. Why you may ask? oh well that trashbin guy was about to lay his finger on him. In the corner of my eye, i could see him rolling his eyes.

I don't care bitch, i won't let you touch what's mine...well soon to be mine.

We made it to the living room and there were 4 other guys all sitting down watching TV, well one of them was sleeping. Their eyes went from the screen to me and Felix. They just stared at us, i mean i still had my hand on Felix's waist. I heard Felix start talking.

"Hii guys, this is Chan my bestfriend"

ouch, i mean yea we are best friends, but maybe i want to be more than that.

i already know he liked me, so all i have to do is confess for real, because last time it was just for a...bet, but not i don't want to for a bet, i fell for Felix, i don't know why i didn't before, he's so beautiful and pretty in every single way inside and out...

"hii, i'm minho, and i'm not weird like the rest of them"

"uh excuse me, me? i'm weird??" the squirrel face boy, that introduced himself as
jisung earlier said

you kinda are...

"yea my weirdo" the minho guy said, Jisung went up to him and blushed sitting on his lap. (i put gay instead of guy, i was about to leave it like that)

"oh yea jisung and minho are dating" Celix whispered to me, i nodded, i mean it was pretty obvious

"hii in hyunjin and this seungmin" a tall blonde guy spoke, sitting next a guy that looked like a puppy

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