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i miss him so much, my heart hurts, and everything i see remind me of him. why couldn't that dumb company handle the situation better :(
and hey it's been a while :/
also i'm very sorry for not updating i never thought something like this would happen and that stupid company should have handled the situation better. I have been so down lately. again i'm so sorry for not updating hopefully i will be updating often.

(maybe not proofread like usual)
➥Third person pov

Felix stepped into the building feeling a cold breeze hit him. His hands were sweaty and he was visibly shaking.

Over the weekend he had accepted Leo's proposal to come to the modeling company. Now there he was, standing in the middle of a huge lobby. The roof was high making him feel smaller than he was already, everything was spaced out a good amount, there was about 12-14 floors (idkkk) Once he snapped back into reality he went to the elevator, he was told to go to the 8th floor.

The elevator ride up seemed way shorter than an elevator ride should usually be. Time was going by too fast for his liking. The doors opened and he was met with a male in the front desk organizing documents. He looked up at Felix and smiled. He smiled back and looked around, the floors were big white tiles and the walls were pink. Everything was pretty spacious and very modern. He suddenly felt even more nervous knowing how famous and popular this modeling company was. He walked towards the desk where the boy was at and he suddenly felt really shy.

"Hi, welcome, I'm Jung Wooyoung and i'm guessing you're Lee Felix right?"

"o-oh um yes I'm Lee Felix..." confused on how he knew who he was

"if you're wondering how I know who you are, Mr.Kim told me how you look like so I figured it was you. Also, no need to be shy, Mr.Kim is waiting for you. So just walk down this hallway and all the way at the end at the big white doors is Mr.Kim's office." Felix smiled

"Thank you Mr.Jung"

"just call me Wooyoung, Mr.Jung makes me sound old and I am definitely not old." he sassily spoke out

Felix laughed "Thank you, Wooyoung" He started walking down the hallway and with each step closer, his heart beat faster and faster. Once he reached the big white door he hesitantly knocked which echoed throughout the hall.

He heard a faint 'come in' so he pushed the door open. Leo and which he guessed his father and mother sat on the seats in the office.

"oh my, hi dear, you must be Lee Felix, I'm Leo's mother" she stood up and greeted the small Australian boy

"and i'm Leo's father, it's a pleasure to meet you Felix"

"Hi Mr and Mrs Kim, it's pleasure to meet you two as well"

"oh no honey you can call me Lia and this is Jaehyun" (not the idols btw)

"oh ok hi L-Lia and Jaehyun" Felix mentally slapped himself for stuttering

"don't be shy, come on sit down"

"okay" he walked the to the seat next to Leo, he smiled at the older and sat down.

"well, our lovely son here mentioned he had a friend that he recommended modeling to and I surprised since he never did that before, but now I see why" she smiled

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