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Two chapters in one day:))hope you enjoy

➥ Felix pov

We got to the breakfast place which was called 'sunshine diner' it was my favorite cause everyone was so nice there and i had been going since 2nd grade and each time i went it was with chan. We got out of the car and got into the diner "good morning felix good morning chan how are you guys doing" the lady at the front had said "we are doing very good thanks for asking" chan said while i smiled "also table for two obviously" he added "ofc follow me we're a lil packed now but there's always space for you two" she smiled while she walked us to our usual spot

"thank you mimi" i said

when we sat down we already ordered drinks and food cause we knew what we wanted. "so after this we go tot he mall right?" chan suddenly spoke "yes yes it's 11 am now so we will probably get out of here around almost 12 maybe and then mall and grocery store just for snacks for the park until 4 so at 5 we will be at the amusement park" i smiled cause how amazing this day will be

"oh god felix we hang out everyday what's so special that your so happy and prepared today" chan laughed at me

'i knew he didn't once think of this as a little date, i mean i never said anything but still like GET THE GODAMN HINT' i thought

"hang out? you mean how we stay home while you play video games and i watch and clean and cook." i rolled my eyes and laughed a little

"okok fine i guess it's exciting" chan said

before i could say anything out food and drinks came "here you go guys enjoy your breakfast" the waitress came over "thank you, you too" i physically face palmed my face "i'm so stupid"
chan laughed at what i said "haha it's okay happens to everyone" the waitress said and left
"god felix you never cease to amaze me"
i lightly punched his arm "oh shut up"

once we finished eating we paired for everything and got in the car and headed to the mall

*skip time after they left the mall and got the grocery store*( they just got a few clothes and hats, felix got a white bucket hat that matched with his outfit so he would use it for today)
(also it's like 2 pm now)

we were in the store and we separated so we could find what we needed not much but ofc they would get just a bit more than they needed.

as i was looking for the gummy bears in the candy aisle i wasn't looking in fornt of me and i bumped into someone

"omg i'm so sorry i didn't to" i apologized as i looked at the person in front of me i noticed that he was really cute. I'd say he was about my height or an inch shorter

'god i'm so clumsy' i thought

"i'm sorry too and it's okay are you okay" the boy said

"yea i am i'm sorry again" i have a sweet smile

"i'm changbin by the way and you?" the boy that now was known was changbin had said

"i'm felix and i like your name"

"i like yours too soo..." changbin has blushed a little but i didn't think much of it "you seem like a nice person so can i get your number maybe? i mean it's okay if you don't want to i'm just-" i cut him off

"yea ofc you can, give me your phone and i'll give you mine" we switched phones and i out in my number and put myself as "lix:)"

we gave each other's phone back i saw he put his name as just "changbin" so i changed it to "binnie☺️"

i looked up at him and saw him look up at me too

"lix come on we're gonna go pay" i heard chan day from behind

i grabbed the gummy bears and gummy worms
(now i want some) and said to changbin "text me later" i smiled and turn back walking towards chan "bye changbinnie" i said

"bye lix" i heard him say

i smiled having somehow of a good feeling about him

➥Changbins pov

"chnagbinne i like it" i said softly to myself

i look down at my phone that had felix contact on it

"lix💗" i had changed it after he put it in. I don't know if it's okay to put that this fast but i had a good feeling about him and he was really cute and pretty you can say

well...what do you think is gonna happen with chnagbin and felix, also will chan feel something for felix once changbin is in the picture or will he still be oblivious??


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