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➥Felix pov
-17 years later, present day

"aaahhhhh " Chan groaned

"hey channie wake up-" I got cut off by a pillow hitting me in the face

"five more mintues lix" chan just kept sleeping acting as if he didn't just hit me with a pillow. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pillow and started hitting chan with it.

"wake *hit* up *hit* you *hit* dumb *hit* ass" Chan finally got up but oh boy was I in trouble. At that moment all I knew I had to do was run-

I ran out the room and down the stairs with Chan following behind with the pillow in his hands.

"come back here you little bastard!!" Chan yelled

I had turned and hid in a closet hoping that Chan wouldn't find me

"now where are you" I heard Chan not so far away from the closet. I tried my best to shut up and then i heard it say "ok fine whatever ima go change"

soon after I slowly started coming out of the closet, but once I got out I felt arms wrapped around my back and started carrying me to the couch

"aahh no let me go" I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't he was too strong compared to my noodle self. He had finally thrown me on the couch and got inbetween my legs.

He brought his hands close to my stomach and before i knew it I was a laughing mess and could barley form the words to stop him

"c-c-chas-st aahh n-no ple-e-ease s-stop" but he wouldn't budge

after what felt like forever he stopped and we just laughed and smiled, but we both started to just started into each others eyes. I could've sworn i saw the stars in his eyes.

i looked down and my eyes met his abs 'omg he's shirtless he looks so fucking hot' i looked away and was about to start getting up but he made one sudden movement and both our lower parts rubbed against eachother. I pushed him off and got up, i was looking at the floor for a second before Chan got up

"come on lix gotta get ready for today" he went and walked up stairs he didn't even notice what just happen. at this moment my cheeks were as red as a tomato. So I just decided to act like nothing happened but not after i went to the bathroom to take care of something.

When I finished I took a shower,brushed my teeth and walked out to get my clothes. I chose a lavender hoodie and black jeans along with some air jordans.

When I finished up I went down the stairs into the kitchen to see Chan sitting on his phone. He had the same as me just with a white hoddie on. I had a whole day planned out for us today. We would go out to eat breakfast and go to mall to buy stuff and supermarket for things to eat later on when we went to the park and just sit, eat and talk and after around 4-5 pm we would go to the amusement park. Hopefully nothing bad would happen to ruin this beautiful day.

In my mind this felt like a date but i'm sure to Chan it's just a hang out with his bestfriend. Sucks to have a one sided crush. You're probably like how do I know it's one sided because he has dated a many people and not once has he ever looked at me the way i look at him so it's obvious.

I've thought many times why couldn't I just stop this stupid crush and move on plus many have said they liked me but I would always push them aside cause i'm in love with my best friend. I know it's dumb and my friends would always say that one of those boys would've changed my feelings for Channie, but me being the idiot i am i don't listen. Maybe I should start listening to them i'll realize that Chan wasn't one.

"felix?? hello?? are you still on this earth or what?" Chan spoke bring me back to reality

"huh?oh yea hi" chan laughed at me and I leaned against the kitchen counter

"like i was saying when you were day dreaming of who knows what" I blushed

'oh you of could dummy' I thought

"one we're kinda matching and two if we don't get going now it's gonna get full and we might as well eat here" he said which was tru

I grabbed his hand and ran out out the door not forgetting to get my bag. Chan had gotten the keys and he started driving.

As he was concentrated on driving I stared at him and only him, it's crazy to think that i woke up one day realizing that I had fallen so hard for Christopher Bang...

I looked away from him before he noticed i was staring and took out my phone. I took a few pictures and I had turned looking at Chan but I acted as if I was taking pictures of myself when I really was taking pictures of him and he looked so handsome.

He looked at me and I was still acting like i was taking picture of myself. I smiled for a picture and when chan looked at me and I took the picture quick, I also took a picture of me so it didn't seem fake and i had hidden the pictures of him just in case.

I thought this chapter was kinda cute, I tried my best what do you guys think??

im going to post two chapters today cause I think it's better for you guys reading. So hope you enjoyed this chapter


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