♡︎ 8 ♡︎

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➥Felix's pov

once changbin threw me in the water i kinda screamed...well "kinda"

"changbinnie!!" i pouted

"cute" he smiled

i wrapped my legs around his waist and we started into each other's eyes until we found ourselves leaning in.

once our lips collided it turn into a semi make out session which soon came to a stop when water was being sprayed at our faces

we looked to the side and jisung and jeongin were holding water guns hyunjin throws two more to us. we were playing around having so much fun

we got out of the pool and it was already 6pm

"damn we were there for a long time" minho said

"yea im gonna order some pizza in the mean time go to the living room let's play spin the bottle" hyunjin said

we went to the living room but all we needed it a bottle, that's when jeongin came in with a bottle of alcohol "everyone take few sips till there's no more" he said

"can't we just get a water bottle or something" seungmin asked

"nope! not today" he said with a evil smirk and hyunjin had walked in saying he already ordered

he drank first m,then hyunjin, minho, jisung, seungmin, me and then changbin jeongin take the last few with hyunjin and the bottle was empty

i'm not much of a drinker so i started feeling dizzy but didn't mind it

jeongin spinned first and it landed on minho

"ha truth or dare"jeongin asked

"umm...dare" minho said

"i dare you to make out with jisung upstairs for 15 minutes"

"15 minutes?? that's not all we can do i'm 16 minutes come on" jisung and minho were going upstairs

"uhh well on since they left and not coming back for a while who's spinning next" seungmin said

"i'll go" hyunjin said

before he spinned the bottle jeongin got another bottle and we all started drinking more hyunjin finally spinned it and it landed on me

"ooooo" hyunjin laughed "truth or dare"

"dare i guess"

his eyes wandered astound the room and then landed on changbin

"i dare you to give changbin a blow job"


"you heard me" hyunjin said clearly way too stuck to comprehend what he just said

"give. changbin. a. sucky. sucky" they all started laughing except for me and changbin who were blushing

i looked to changbin and he was already looking at me which made us blush even more

was i really about to do this

will he? i mean i dares a dare...
this chapter was kinda short i'll make next chapter longer :))


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