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in all honesty, i didn't think i would be friends with anyone when i first entered my new school
but i guess i'm wrong

because right now i was outside a convenience store, standing, with a cup of noodles on a high table, giggling at the stupid jokes and stories seungmin was telling me, almost doubling over but thankfully i didn't

"and then coach was like 'damn daehwi nice ass you have there' and the way daehwi turned red was so hilarious, and he gets so shy when he has to wear white slacks for training now"

i laughed again and asked
"um so this daehwi guy, he's our age?"

"nah he's a year older, and we laugh at his slacks and all, but his baseball skills are no joke"

i nodded and looked down to shove a mouthful of noodles into my mouth only to feel a pair of eyes on me

so obviously my curious ass looked up and seungmin was just staring at me with adoration in his eyes

that can't be, no one looks at me like that and there's no reason for anyone to. so why is he doing it?
i thought to myself

this feeling in my chest, i didn't know how to describe it. part of me wanted to run away and hide all of my ugly from him but another part of me felt like i wanted to embrace whatever this was and accept myself because he can too


i reached my hand forward
landing it on his right cheek and caressed it softly

"w-what are you d-doing?"
he asked

"you're so beautiful, but there's something is your eyes that's screaming for help. as if you're going through so so much but you're forced to just put on a smile. answer me honestly hyunjin, why do you shut everyone and everything out? are you really okay?"

at this point hyunjin was tearing and i could tell i just hit a touchy subject when i asked if he was okay

he shook his head slowly and i guess he couldn't contain his tears anymore because they poured out fully and his knees gave way

making me catch him before he hit the ground

holding him against my chest i slowly played with his hair
"let it all out princess it's okay, you've be strong long enough. let go"

and he did.
he grabbed onto me, shaking and wailing, burying his face into my neck

"breathe baby, breathe for me please"
i tried calming him down which kind of work because he was no longer hyperventilating but was still sobbing silently

what have you been through?

who are you really?

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