thirty three

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"Look who finally decided to turn up to school. Y'all know this shit compulsory right?"
Jisung crossed his arms as he spat those words. Seungmin dropped his tray on the lunch table before pulling Hyunjin to sit next to him.

"Dude we missed one day what's your issue."
Seungmin replied, slurping his soup.

Felix who was sitting next to Seungmin glanced over at the alpha before screaming, falling off his seat in the process.

Felix grabbed his head while gasping for air.
Chan immediately got off his chair to check on his boyfriend. The rest of the students in the lunch area turned around to see what the commotion was all about.

"Channie! Channie! Seungmin's neck!" Felix said.
Hyunjin's and Seungmin's eyes widened realising that they forgot to cover up the mark on Seungmin's neck.
Jisung and Chan looked in Seungmin's direction. Seungmin trying his best to cover the mark near the back of his ear with the collar of his uniform but all it did was make him look stupid.

"Seungmin you better show us what you're hiding." Minho stated, staring at the boy. Seungmin rolled his eyes before sighing, knowing Minho doesn't take shit from anyone, other than his Jisung of course.
Seungmin slowly lowered the hand that was covering his neck, lo and behold, a fresh mating mark was shown.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, gasped.

" found your mate?" Jisung asked, eyes wide as he held onto Minho's shoulder for support.

"Yeah, he's right here. Everyone, Hwang Hyunjin is my mate."
Seungmin said before grabbing Hyunjin's hand and kissing the top of it.

"Well shit." Minho chuckled before biting into an apple and starting to play with Jisung's fingers.

"HYUNJIN! YOU?" Jisung exclaimed.

"So..y'all done the dirty yet?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows at Hyunjin, making the hybrid tense up and turn red.

"Yes we have, now leave my boyfriend alone." Seungmin replied before resting a hand on Hyunjin's thigh, stroking it in an attempt to help the boy relax.

"Alright, we've seen your mark you pure alpha. Where the fuck is Hyunjin's mark?" Minho asked.

"On his collarbone. And no, you won't be seeing it, because only I can see anything below his neck."
Seungmin glared at the four other boys at the table. Hyunjin blushing at how overprotective his boyfriend was.

"Tsk selfish." Jisung stuck a tongue out at Seungmin.

"Minho, don't make me drop kick your boy."

"Oh you wanna try me, babyboy?" Minho retorted before cracking his knuckles.

"Hey hey enough."
Chan interrupted the two other alphas because he knew they would actually start a fist fight.

"I know we joke and all but I'm really happy for you guys. And Hyunjin, welcome to the family, they can be...a-bit much. But we promise we'll take good care of you." Chan spoke up, giving Hyunjin a nod.

Hyunjin giggled in reply thinking about how Chan referred to the other boys to be 'a bit much'. He'd only sat there for 15 minutes and he could tell that they were indeed a chaotic bunch.

"Thank you, Chan hyung."

To say he was grateful was not accurate enough. Hyunjin never expected to feel so accepted by others, it just wasn't something he was used to. He was so thankful to have found someone who he could trust, along with a group of friends he knew would never let him down. It felt as though Seungmin unlocked his heart and threw away the key, and he didn't regret letting it happen. He found his family, he found where he belonged. Next to Seungmin, next to his friends.

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