twenty five (18+)

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None of them intended for this to happen. They just wanted to spend time with one another, but right now Chan was holding both Felix's wrists against the mattress with his left hand. His right hand was preoccupied with other things, like palming the bulge under Felix's boxers. Chan's tongue flicked against his subs nipple, sucking harshly afterwards. Everything Felix was feeling right now was so foreign to him, but he loved it. He'd never done it with Chan before, but he would be a mad liar if he said he never fantasied Chan fucking him senseless. He loved how gentle yet dominating Chan was with him, it was everything he imagined, maybe even better. He loved being held down and helpless under his alpha.
"Let me hear you love."
Felix stoped biting his lip and let out a wave of moans, his breath hitching when he felt Chan pull down his boxers and start to jerk him off.
Chan just hummed against Felix's chest, still abusing his nipples.
"I wanna t-touch you hyungie! Please let me touch you." How could Chan ever resist the moaning boy beneath him. His left hand released Felix's wrists and the smaller boy's hands immediately traveled to the older's hair, grabbing a fistful. He arched his back to push his nipple deeper into Chan's mouth. Chan continued to pump Felix's length, Felix whimpering when the older rubbed his tip with his thumb.
"Channie! C-can you f-fuck me p-please."

"Getting bold aren't we. Are you sure you want me to?" Chan asked, not wanting Felix to have any regrets.
Felix nodded, muttering a tiny yes please to the pure alpha. Chan stood up and removed his sweats along with his boxers before pulling Felix's boxers off completely. Both of them shivering at the sudden coolness. Felix's eyes trailed all over Chans body. I mean who could blame him? Mans gorgeous. He stopped at Chan's dick, mouth opening at how big it was.
"Hyung..that's not gonna fit."

"We'll make it fit, then after that I'm gonna fuck you till you're oblivious to everything around you." Chan's voice was low, his words echoed through Felix's ears making him turn red.
Chan went back onto the bed where Felix was laying on his back and found himself between Felix's legs, looking at his lovers gaping hole just waiting to be stimulated. Felix was about to close his legs, feeling embarrassed that Chan could see everything but before he could, Chan grabbed his thighs and pushed back, making Felix yelp. Chan had an even better view of Felix's ass now, he could feel his length get harder with each second.
"Fuck look at you dripping wet for me. I bet you taste fucking sweet." Those were the last words Felix heard before he felt Chan's tongue being shoved into his hole.
"N-ngh mhm a-alpha!"
Felix let out indecipherable words, shivering at the feeling of pleasure coursing through his body. He didn't care about how loud he was anymore, only being able to focus on the immense feeling of euphoria spreading in his chest. Apart from the pleasure, Felix was happy he was finally going to finish the mating bond with Chan. After this, only death would be able to keep them apart.

Chan detached his mouth from Felix's hole, a string of saliva still connecting the two. He placed one of Felix's legs on he shoulder, lining his tip with his omegas leaking hole. He pushed it in slowly, looking for any signs of pain on Felix's face, which he did find. Chan only managed to push in his tip when he saw the younger scrunch his face in pain, tears spilling from his eyes.
"H-hurts, a-alpha it's too big." Felix managed to choke out.

"Fuck I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll pull out okay." Chan said, caressing Felix's face.
"No! No don't pull out please. I want to make you feel good too."
Felix stated, wiping the tears that fell to his cheeks.
"I can do it hyung just push it in slowly."
Chan smiled at his sub. Feeling proud that he was trying so hard, but he truly didn't want to hurt his baby. So he did end up pulling out ever so gently, only to dig though his drawer to look for lube. He squeezed it onto his palm and pumped his dick, before adding some to Felix's hole. He thought Felix's slick would have been enough but he was obviously wrong. He positioned himself the same way before, Felix nodding at him before he tried to push himself into his lover again. This time, successfully fitting every inch into Felix. It hurt less now, but it still did hurt. Felix gasped at the size, he felt like he was being torn open. Chan leaned down and kissed his forehead before kissing his lips in an attempt to distract Felix from the pain.
"Hyungie, you can move but slowly please."
Chan kissed Felix's ankle which was dangling on his shoulder before intertwining their fingers.
He finally moved his hips back, only to push back into Felix. Was it killing Chan to not be able to just pound into Felix's wet heat? Yes, yes it definitely was. His cock was twitching in anticipation, wanting more friction, but he held everything back. He would never forgive himself if Felix was hurt because of him.
On Chan's second thrust, Felix's eyes shot open and his hand grabbed the bedsheet, letting out a loud ungodly shriek.
"Oh m-my god Channie! Yes right there! There a-again please."

Chan wasted no time and continued to let his dick push into Felix's sweet spot. He was picking up the pace and Felix seemed to be in more pleasure than pain so he deemed it was alright. Felix's moans and shrieks were turning him on so much, he wanted to fuck him good, make him remember this for a long time.

Chan grabbed Felix's hand and pushed it down on his own stomach, "You feel this love? You feel how deep I am inside of you right now?" Chan growled. Felix nodded, the pleasure clouding his mind, but he never gave a reply.
Chan stoped thrusting, "Answer me when I fucking talk to you omega." He grabbed Felix's jaw and made him look at him.
"Y-yes! You're s-so deep in me. I can feel you! Ngh aaah"
Chan thrusted again, this time at ungodly speeds, letting Felix's hole suck him in before pulling back out only to slam back in.

"Chan! Chan I'm gonna cum."
"Me too love, just let go hm."

Chan never stopped pounding into Felix, not even after Felix released onto his own stomach with a deafening moan. He was chasing his own high, and when he did reach it, he shoved his knot into his omega, groaning at the feeling. Felix's legs shaking from the overwhelming feeling. Chan's semen unloading into him made him feel so full, and his knot hasn't even deflated. His stomach was swelling now, getting larger because of how big Chan's knot was.
Chan kept his dick in Felix but moved onto the bed to cuddle the younger. Not caring that they were both sweating and panting. Felix moved closer and Chan wrapped his arms around his lover.
"That felt so good, you're so beautiful." Felix giggled at him already letting his exhaustion take over.

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