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He stared at himself in the mirror,
pure anger and disgust shown on his face. Nothing was ever enough for him. He felt worthless, unloved, lonely and abandoned.

He hated how he looked.
He hated how he acted.
He hated the suicidal thoughts racing through his mind every second of the day.
He hated the voices in his head telling him that being six ft underground was better than living in this hell on earth.
Hyunjin hated everything about himself, and he knew exactly why.


Seungmin pulled up in the parking area of his college. He got out of his car and quickly walked to his locker where his friends were usually waiting for him.

"What's up my bro, any luck with that long lost mate of yours?"
Jisung threw his arm around the taller boy, screaming the question at him because well- it's Jisung, he doesn't have an inside voice.

"Hyung can u shut him up or something? It's not easy to have to deal with his shit in the morning." Seungmin darted his eyes towards Jisung's mate, directing the question towards him.
Minho just chuckled at the two so called 'best friends' who could never get through the day without trying to strangle each other.
After a few more minutes of casual chatting, Minho and Jisung bid their temporary goodbyes to Seungmin as they had to retrieve their own things from their individual lockers. Lucky for Jisung, his locker was in the same direction as Minho's so he happily followed his alpha in the same direction.

Hyunjin grabbed his house keys and left the apartment for his college after that intense staring contest with himself in the mirror. Once he locked the door, he shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket and briskly walked to the bus stop.
As much as he hated school, and well, people in general he would constantly make himself study hard and score high.
It was the only thing keeping him from just killing himself, it was his motivation to at least have something to work for in his life.
Today however was his first day at a new school.
He got kicked out of his old one for not being able to pay the fee, but who could blame him, seeing his financial state, he definitely did not have much left in his bank account. Worst still he had no one else to depend on. He only had himself. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to find a part time job and convince the principal of his new school that he would pay the fee as well as do his best in his studies. Upon arriving at his campus, he went straight to the office so he could retrieve his schedule and locate his locker and the lecture halls he would have to go to.

"Good morning ma'am, um i'm new here so i need my schedule."
He said with a tiny awkward smile.

"Hello sweetie, just a second yeah i'll pass it to you right away"
and so the lady at the desk did her job and dismissed the new boy with a simple but heart warming smile.

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