thirty one (18+)

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Both Seungmin and Hyunjin were well aware of the fact that they had school tomorrow. Was that a good enough excuse not to have fun though? No, it certainly wasn't. Seungmin flipped them over, pushing Hyunjin into the bed.

"Can I take off your hoodie?"
Seungmin had already discarded his button down, well more like Hyunjin did but what matters is that it's off. Hyunjin nodded at the question, Seungmin pulling it off immediately in a swift motion, leaving the hybrid in just his boxers.

"Damn Princess, Calvin Klein sure looks good on you." The way the waistband rested on Hyunjin's hips, showing the gentle curve of his V-line made the alpha swoon. The hybrid had a slim waist with a surprisingly toned set of abs. What a nice surprise for Seungmin.

Buy Hyunjin sexy underwear. Noted.

Hyunjin whined under Seungmin's gaze, feeling exposed as he realised the other was basically eye fucking him.

"Do you trust me, Princess?"
Hyunjin looked up to Seungmin, his breath hitching at the ethereal sight of the well-built alpha before nodding his head slowly.

"Use your words."
Seungmin demanded, staring down at him.

"Yes master. You can do a-anything you want to me."
The innocent eyes looking up at the alpha didn't suit the alluring words that left of the handsome hybrid's mouth. Seungmin cursed under his breath, the tent in his pants starting to hurt as Hyunjin somehow kept getting sexier each second. He unbuckled his belt, soon using it to tie Hyunjin's arms to the headboard, making sure it wasn't too tight on the other's wrists.
Damn that tiktok tutorial was kinda handy.

Seungmin took his time to enjoy his view. He eyed the way the hybrid was restrained and the marks that was scattered around his neck, shoulders and collarbones left by none other than himself. He reached down to caress the swollen bite mark, the mating mark proving they were not to be torn apart, only stopping when Hyunjin let out a whine and bucked his hips upwards wanting any kind of friction he could get.

Seungmin finally leaned down, taking one of Hyunjin's nipple into his mouth, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. He reached a hand to the hybrids mouth, shoving in two fingers while Hyunjin gladly started to suck on them, whining cutely when Seungmin's thigh would occasionally brush against his length. Not long after however, Hyunjin bucked his hips upwards, letting out a whimper as his cock pushed against Seungmin's thigh. The alpha pulled his fingers out of the boys mouth, lightly biting Hyunjin's nipple before pulling away.

"Did master say pup could move?"
Seungmin's voice was low and demanding, he had never used that voice with the other boy before.

"No master. I'm sorry, pup is sorry. Will be good for master."
Seungmin was honestly taken aback by the way Hyunjin was acting. Who would've known a quiet boy like him had a master kink.

"If you're uncomfortable or want me to stop say snowball. Understood?"

"Yes m-master." Hyunjin nodded eagerly, waiting and watching as the alpha took off his jeans, revealing boxers that were trying so hard to hold in Seungmin's bulge. He gulped knowing Seungmin would not be small.

Seungmin went back to where Hyunjin was before pulling down the hybrids boxers, his dick springing out. Hyunjin whined yet again at the sudden exposure, trying to cover it with his legs but to no avail as Seungmin held them down.
The alpha traced Hyunjin's v-line stopping too close to his dick. He brought his mouth closer to Hyunjin's thighs, kissing and leaving a trail of hickeys. Hyunjin replying to each action with a whimper or a squirm, trying his best to keep still and be good for his master.

"What a good pup you are. You're so damn beautiful princess, I fucking love your thighs."
Seungmin kissed every scar that was present on the hybrids thigh, wishing that the action would make them disappear.

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