twenty eight

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Seungmin held his forehead against Hyunjin's, smiling as he saw how flustered the hybrid was after the impromptu kiss they shared. He loved this feeling, being able to hold Hyunjin close, having him in his arms, it all just felt so right to him.

"Princess, let's go on a date today." Seungmin suggested.
"And mind you that was a statement, not a question, because I'm not taking a no for an answer."

Hyunjin just nodded, resigned to his fate. He knew how strong minded Seungmin was. It wasn't like he did not want to, in fact he would love to, he was just trying to keep his walls up which was failing horribly.

Seungmin took Hyunjin's hand and led them back to his bedroom.

"Wait here." Seungmin told Hyunjin after leading him to the bed. Seungmin wanted to pick an outfit for Hyunjin. It had been on his bucket list forever to do nice things for his mate. Now that he finally found his, he wasn't going to hold back.
Seungmin walked out of his closet holding a pair of jeans and a baby blue hoodie.

"Here put this on!" Hyunjin wanted to argue but before he could, Seungmin already pulled him up and pushed him to the washroom to change.
Letting out yet another sigh, Hyunjin just obeyed the other boy, starting to change into the new, clean clothes. To his dismay, both the top and the pants didn't seem to fit, they were both too big. Seungmin was significantly larger than him given that he was a pure alpha. At least the hoodie was hanging on, the pants wouldn't stay up at all. Hyunjin let out yet another sigh before cursing internally. He waddled to the door trying to hold his pants up. He poked his head out after he opened the washroom door.

"Seungmin!! The pants won't stay up." Hyunjin called for the other boy, pouting after his sentence.

"Um.. that's the smallest size I have.."

"Then what am I supposed to wear?"

"Um, just the hoodie..?" Seungmin didn't really have a solution to this problem right now, Hyunjin truly was of a smaller size than him.

Hyunjin's mouth hung open at Seungmin's reply, he slammed the door shut trying to process what just happened. The hoodie did reach to right above his knees, but he really wasn't sure if he was comfortable or safe wearing just a hoodie and boxers out, but he didn't really have a choice now did he. He stared at himself in the mirror gathering up his courage to walk out of the washroom. If he was being honest, he did like how he looked in the hoodie, he thought he looked adorable but he just had never worn something that showed that much skin.

Hyunjin slowly pulled the door open, revealing himself to Seungmin who was also dressed by now. He was wearing a dark blue crew neck over a white collared button down with jeans. Seungmin was seated on the bed while Hyunjin was standing infront of him, both of them seem to just be staring at one another. Hyunjin stood there awkwardly, trying to pull down the hoodie to cover more of his legs, but obviously that made no difference. It actually made it worse, now his collarbones were on display. Seungmin honestly loved how the other boy looked in his clothes. He looked so tiny and adorable.

"You look so cute, Princess. I think I'm gonna die." Seungmin broke the silence.

"U-um thank you. You l-look good too."

Seungmin walked towards him and grabbed onto Hyunjin's hand that was holding onto the edges of his hoodie.

"Stop pulling it down princess, looking at your neck makes me want to bite it and mark you."
"Since we are going out maybe I should do that, so everyone knows who you belong to."
Hyunjin could feel Seungmin's breath against his neck as the alpha moved closer.

"N-no Seungmin! S-stop." Hyunjin pushed him away, taking a step back. Seungmin chuckled looking at Hyunjin's red face. He figured it was enough teasing the hybrid for today, he didn't want Hyunjin to change his mind and end up not going out.

The two boys walked to Seungmin's driveway where he told Hyunjin to wait while he went to the garage to get his car. Hyunjin just nodded not looking at Seungmin, but instead at the view infront of him. There was a huge fountain and a roundabout leading to the driveway he was currently standing on. The fountain was surrounded by beautiful bushes and greenery it looked like a park.

'Damn we don't even need to leave the house we could have a fucking date just here'
Hyunjin thought.
That's when a jet black car drove infront of him, having a trident as a logo.

'A Maserati, how rich is this guy?'
Hyunjin thought again.
Seungmin stepped out of the car and opened the passenger door got Hyunjin, buckling the seatbelt for him once he got on.

"You really didn't have to you know, I can do it myself." Hyunjin spoke up after Seungmin entered the car and started driving out of the gated residence. Hyunjin wasn't use to all the things Seungmin was doing for him, it felt odd to him.

"Yeah but I want to." Seungmin just shrugged keeping his eye on the road.
They were currently enjoying the songs that was playing from Seungmin's playlist, they surprisingly had a somewhat similar taste in music, Seungmin was outrightly screaming the lyrics while Hyunjin just hummed the rhythm.

"Where are we going ?" Hyunjin asked.

"You'll see, Princess."

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