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English literature was Seungmin's first period and he didn't really mind it. He did really like the subject, but the bitch of a teacher he had obviously had to mess that up for him. He was constantly called on to answer questions and give presentations, maybe he was just the teacher's favourite. After bidding goodbye to his friends, they all went separate ways as they all had different classes.
Seungmin trudged to the lecture hall and sat in the middle row. That's when something,
more like someone, caught his eye. Seungmin had just noticed the beautiful silky blond hair of the boy sitting a few rows in front of him. His eyes widened when he realised it was pretty blond boy from earlier today at the locker.

'Damn I guess he takes the same course I do, if not why would he be in my class right now.' Seungmin thought.

A huge smile plastered across Seungmin's face when he realised he was going to be able to see that cute guy much more often now since we were taking the same college course.

'I mean if I don't have a mate yet might as well try and find someone in case I'm actually fated not to have a mate.'

Hyunjin's heart stared beating intensely when he recognised the scent surrounding him — cherry.
almost suffocating him but he kinda liked it. It was surprisingly able to calm him down from his nerves and anxiety of being in a new school and in an unfamiliar setting. He had the urge to just let himself sink into whatever this new found comfort was.

'Wait a damn minute..' Hyunjin widened his eyes in realisation. He should not be able to smell exactly what others' scents were. Sure, everyone will have the scent that shows their role in the alpha-beta-omega hierarchy. But no one should know exactly what others' signature scents were,


They were fated to be together.
Many thoughts started to fill his already clouded mind.

'Wait is he really my mate?'
'No it can't be.'
'But why can i smell him?'
'No maybe everyone can..'
'Hyunjin that's stupid, you know that's not how it works'
Hyunjin's internal conflict made him uncomfortable, especially since he was in the middle of class. He might just accidentally scream from the sudden stress he was feeling.

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