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Hyunjin groaned as he gripped onto his waist before attempting to stand on his two feet. Keyword: attempt. He helplessly fell back onto the sofa with a tired sigh.

"Princess, I told you to stay put, you're carrying the weight of two people!"
Seungmin yelled from the kitchen when he heard the thud of Hyunjin landing back onto the sofa. Hyunjin kicked his feet up in defeat before he leaned back onto the back rest and started to scroll on his phone. Only a few minutes passed but Hyunjin felt like he had been waiting for hours. He was 7 months pregnant now and Seungmin has not been allowing him to do anything. Hell Seungmin even brushes his teeth for him now. Hyunjin really understood that Seungmin did not want anything to happen to him and the baby but he really could move his own hand to brush his teeth...right?

Hyunjin was disturbed from his aimless scrolling on social media by a kiss on his forehead. In front of him stood Seungmin, his left hand holding a plate of pan fried gyoza and his right hand holding onto a jar of Nutella. Said alpha was busy in the kitchen preparing another one of Hyunjin's weird cravings. Shockingly, this one was one of the less strange ones. A few hours ago Hyunjin had asked for a bowl of ice with sprinkles, to which Seungmin had also prepared for him. It really was safe to say that the pure alpha would do anything to make his boyfriend, no husband happy... even if it meant fucking up the kitchen.

"Minnie!! It smells so good. I'm starving."
Hyunjin said as he made grabby hands to the alpha, asking for the food. Seungmin took a seat next to the hybrid and pulled a portable table in front of them to place the plate down. Hyunjin wanted to grab the utensils but Seungmin snatched them first, waving Hyunjin's hand away. Soon Hyunjin found himself facing a pair of chopsticks gripping onto a piece of gyoza with a hefty amount of Nutella spread on top. He licked his lips before taking a bite of the delicious smelling food. Hyunjin clapped his hands with a squeal as he felt the flavours of sweet and salty melt in his mouth. As he was chewing he threw his arms around the pure alpha, letting out another squeal.
Seungmin just giggling at his beloved husbands antics.

"I love you so much, Princess."

"I know, I'm just that amazing."

Seungmin rolled his eyes at the hybrid, he truly has not changed since the day they met, and Seungmin just kept falling for him again and again.

"I love you too, Minnie. You make me so happy."


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