sixteen (18+)

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Biting and marking up jisung's neck, minho was getting harder by the second, and jisung's cute little moans were not helping his case at all.

Flipping jisung over so he could have easier access to his leaking hole, making his ass hover in the air and his face in the sheets. he pulled Jisung's boxers off and without any warning he started licking jisung's slick off his hole and circled his rim.
jisung's eyes fluttered close and he arched his back, the feeling of shyness no longer keeping him from moaning like a pornstar.

"aaah a-alpha oh- feels so good ngh!"

jisung's arms flailed around looking for something to hold on to as his body got used to this pleasure Minho's tongue was giving him that he had never felt before. Settling for just grabbing the sheets because his mind was too clouded for anything else.

"fuck, you look so fucking good like this baby. only for me, all mine."

"i'm gonna prep you okay, if it hurts tell me. you just need to stay calm for me. you can do that right my good little boy?"

jisung nodded, faced still in the sheets trying to catch his breath.

"words baby"

"y-yes daddy"

taken aback by what jisung just called him, minho slid his veiny hands on jisungs waist
"daddy huh, i like that"

keeping a steady grip on jisungs waist with his left hand, minho slowly pushed a finger into jisung, staying alert for any signs of discomfort from his sub. When he was sure jisung wasn't in any pain he started moving his finger slowly.


"yes baby? does it hurt? i can stop moving if you need-"

"no! don't stop, it doesn't hurt, just feels a l-little weird"

"ill make it feel good later baby. i promise, you're doing so well for me. so proud of my good pup."

hearing those praises jisung got turned on even more,
"daddy! faster, p-please!"

noticing that jisung was more comfortable now, minho added a second finger and scissored him open. making jisung whimper slightly at the stretch.

as minho pumped his fingers faster, jisung moaned and thrashed around, he was near screaming when minho added his fourth finger. minho wanted to make sure jisung was prepped enough, he had never hurt his omega, and he wasn't planning to.

"fuck baby i can't wait to feel you. so fucking tight for me"

"alpha i'm ready! please i want you, please. please!"

pulling his fingers out, minho used some of jisungs slick as lube and pumped himself a few times before aligning himself with jisungs gaping hole.

"its gonna hurt a little bit my love, but it will feel really good. i promise"

with that, minho pushed his head in and jisung gasped at the size practically screaming in pain

"baby you okay? want me to pull out?"

"no no don't please i can take it."
jisung was fighting the tears that were threatening to leave his eyes.

minho followed what jisung wanted and pushed himself in all the way, then waiting a while so that jisung could adjust.

"y-you c-can move d-daddy"

minho pulled back and slammed back into jisung's wet hole, growling at the feeling, jisung was losing his mind. he thought minho's fingers were pleasuring him, but this, this couldn't compare.
minho continued slamming into him, looking for a specific spot and he knew he had found it when jisungs eyes shot open and a loud moan escaped his mouth before his thighs started shaking.

Realising that Jisung's legs could give way at any moment, Minho pulled out and flipped them over so jisung was now under him. Then pushing his cock back into him lover and continuously pounding into Jisung's prostate. The look on Jisung's face was pure bliss and it was pushing Minho close to the edge, he knew Jisung was too, by the way he was clenching around him.

"daddy m-my stomach feels weird"

"that means you're close baby, you're gonna cum. just let it go okay"

Minho grabbed Jisungs length and pumped him while pounding into him, it was overwhelming to Jisung his eyes were rolled back, his mouth hanging open with drool coming down his chin.

"daddy! i'm close knot me please oh- it feels so so good"

and Jisung released onto his own stomach as Minho pushed his huge knot into Jisung. Shooting his load into his lover, holding Jisung close as they both caught their breath, waiting for Minho's knot to deflate. Filling Jisung to the brim.

Minho kissed Jisung on his neck grazing his teeth on the bite mark left by none other than himself, showing who Jisung belonged to. There was also a mark on Minho, right at where his neck met his shoulder, from months ago where they had first marked each other. And now, they had finally completed their mating bond, nothing could pry them apart. They were meant to be, and Minho nor jisung would not have it any other way.

"T-thank you d-daddy"

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