twenty seven

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The next morning, Seungmin woke up to an empty bed, sending him straight into 'worried alpha mode'. His wolf pestering him again, feeling uncomfortable that his mate wasn't around. He whipped the duvet away from his body and rushed around the room, swinging every door open to check if Hyunjin was inside. To his dismay, everything was empty. The blond boy was no where in sight. He pushed the bedroom door open and ran down the stairs, literally tripping twice because of the speed he was going at but he couldn't care less. His heart was pounding so hard he could hear it in his ears, he knew he would never forgive himself if he let Hyunjin go.
Seungmin checked the kitchen, the movie room, the dining room and even the maids' room, but Hyunjin was no where to be found. His heart dropped to his stomach, he really thought Hyunjin had left..

Until he heard a beautiful voice come from the pool area.

I'm stuck with the phobia
I cant go there
To the place where you are
I can't approach you
Oh oh oh oh
Why am I like this? I don't know either

Seungmin stood behind Hyunjin, who was sitting facing the pool with his legs soaked in.

"Your voice is beautiful." Hyunjin whipped his head towards the voice he just heard, closing his mouth as he stopped singing. He just nodded at Seungmin before going back to staring at the pool.
Seungmin moved to sit cross-legged facing Hyunjin, admiring the hybrid's face, like he always does.

"Do you know how worried I was when I woke up and didn't see you next to me?" Seungmin asked, waiting for a reply but he never got one. He only saw Hyunjin shrug his shoulders. Seungmin let out a sigh as he grabbed one of Hyunjin's hand, starting to play with the boy's fingers.

"Princess, what's wrong? You can trust me you know that right." Seungmin stated before kissing Hyunjin's knuckles.

Hyunjin tried pulling his hand away, but Seungmin wouldn't let him.
"S-Seungmin stop this. Stop calling me pet names and stop touching me."

"No, I won't do that Hyunjin. You're my mate. You belong to me, and I'm going to make you mine one way or another."

"Seungmin! Don't you get it? I'm a fucking hybrid!"
Seungmin couldn't stand hearing Hyunjin talk about himself like that. He's been saying that since the night before and Seungmin was really losing some patience.

"Hyunjin I told yo-"

"I don't c-care what you s-say, I know you're l-lying!" Hyunjin stuttered, he pressed his hands to the ground to aid him in standing up. His ultimate goal right now was to be away from Seungmin. But Seungmin wasn't having any more of this bullshit. Before Hyunjin could walk away, Seungmin got up and pulled him back, the sudden force making Hyunjin stumble. Seungmin grabbed Hyunjin's jaw and pulled his face closer, both boys could feel each others breaths.

"Hyunjin, I've had enough of this. You. Belong. To. Me."
With that, Seungmin crashed his lips onto Hyunjin's, something he had wanted to do so bad the past few days. Hyunjin struggled against Seungmin's grip, but of course he was too weak compared to the alpha. He soon fell into a trance, letting Seungmin's comforting cherry scent calm his thoughts, yet his chest was still pounding.

Seungmin is kissing me right now.

Hyunjin relaxed in Seungmin's grip, as he started to finally kiss back. Seungmin moved his hands from Hyunjin's jaw down to his waist, pulling their bodies closer. Hyunjin let his hands rest on Seungmin's chest. A kiss that started off forceful became sweet and loving.

Hyunjin was first to pull away needing to catch a breath. Seungmin started to do his newly found favourite action, he kissed Hyunjin's neck repeatedly, soon stopping just to rest his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. Both of them stayed standing next to the pool in silence, inhaling each others scents.

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