twenty nine

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Hyunjin squealed as he leapt out of the car, the scene in front of him making his heart skip a beat. After Seungmin drove for about 45 minutes, they had finally reached their destination. Seungmin had brought them to the beach. It wasn't very crowded but there were people around. Hyunjin loved what he saw, the children running around and the couples holding hands.

"Seungmin lets goooo!! I wanna go play with the sand!"
Hyunjin was ready to sprint away but Seungmin grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.
If Seungmin was honest, his first plan wasn't to take Hyunjin to the beach, it was actually to bring him to the carnival, but he figured he wouldn't really get to talk to the other boy if all he was going to do was run around and take the rides.
After all, Seungmin had another surprise for Hyunjin at the beach.

As they walked hand in hand nearer to the sea, Seungmin stoped to lay down a picnic mat. He sat down and Hyunjin did the same. Hyunjin sat at the edge of the mat and immediately got his hands dirty. He never really got the chance to go to the beach or leave his house even. So now that he was here he didn't want to waste any time.

"Princess, can I lay down?"
Hyunjin turned his attention to the boy next to him.

"Why are you asking me? You can do anything you want."

"If you say so." Seungmin replied. He moved so his back would face Hyunjin. And before Hyunjin knew it, Seungmin had leaned back and laid his head on his lap, looking up at him with a grin.

'Smooth man, smooth.' Hyunjin thought to himself. 
Hyunjin tried to pay no mind to the boy below him who was obviously staring and just kept trying to build a sand castle, which honestly just looked like a pile of well...sand.

"S-stop staring a-at me." Hyunjin mumbled.

"I can't you're too beautiful."
Hyunjin, who has now completely forgotten about the sand pile he was fiddling with, covered his face with the sleeve of his hoodie. He would never get used to Seungmin's words. It was all still so new to him. Seungmin grabbed Hyunjin's hand and pulled it away from his face.

"Do you like sunsets, Princess?"
Seungmin asked as he held onto both Hyunjin's hands. Hyunjin nodded looking at Seungmin.

"Then I have something to show you. Let's go!"

It was early evening now, soon there would be a perfect sunset shining over the horizon and Seungmin wanted Hyunjin to experience the best view there was. Seungmin led the other boy towards another end of the beach, where there was a dock and a few boats and yachts.

"No way. Seungmin no freaking way!"
Hyunjin exclaimed when Seungmin led him up the steps of the dock.

"This way princess, watch your step."

Hyunjin held onto Seungmin's arm with both hands when they were face to face with a yacht that  literally had 'Kim' engraved on the side of it.
"You're crazy. This is YOURS?!" Hyunjin died internally.

"Well no, technically it belongs to my parents. But we have it for the day. Now get in."

Hyunjin didn't have to be told twice, he carefully got on and so did Seungmin.

"Hey Seungmin, you can drive this thing right."

"What? No there's a captain in the cockpit just relax will you."

Hyunjin made an O with his mouth and just nodded after that, wondering off around the yacht to quench his curiosity. Seungmin followed close behind him, answering whatever questions the hybrid asked.

"Jinnie it's almost 6, don't you wanna see the sunset?"

Hyunjin gasped.

Seungmin led him to a room on the top of the yacht that offered an amazing view of the horizon. There was a bed inside but they could also step outside to the balcony where there was a mattress to lie down on. It was truly something Hyunjin would never thought he would experience ever in his lifetime.

Seungmin pulled off his crew neck sweater, leaving him in his white button down. Which he ended up rolling up the sleeves as well as unbuttoning a few of the top buttons. Hyunjin was left to stare at the hot alpha infront of him.

"Take a photo it'll last longer."
Ignoring Seungmin's comment, Hyunjin looked away and walked to the balcony, sitting himself down on the mattress to wait for the sunset. The view was already beautiful. The wind was flowing through his blonde long hair and the sun casted a beautiful glow on him.

Man, he was the view.

Seungmin sat next to Hyunjin,
"I think I love you already, princess."
He said as he rested his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. Holding the hybrids hand.

"Seungmin I don't think you can love someone that quickly. We've known each other for like a week."

"Doesn't change the fact that you're my mate. So we're stuck with each other for life. Does it matter how long it takes for me to love you since we have to spend our lives together anyway?"

"S-Seungmin about the mate thing..I just-"
Hyunjin didn't know how to express his concern to Seungmin.

"Seungmin m-my rank? I'm a hybrid. And you're a pure alpha. Y-Your family is one of the most influential there is in our country. What are people g-going to think when they see that the first son of the Kim family is with an o-orphan hybrid?"

"Hyunjin I don't think my or my family's image will be ruined because I'm fated with you. I personally don't give a fuck what others think. I think it's stupid to judge someone based on nothing but their rank. I know you Hyunjin, you're a wonderful person and that's who I wanna be with. I don't care what others think, I don't think you should care either."

Hyunjin nodded, trying to internalise what Seungmin told him. It wasn't like he could run away from Seungmin, it would hurt too much to be away from his mate. It wouldn't only hurt him, it would hurt Seungmin too. Hyunjin knows he can't hurt the only person who's ever properly appreciated him.

They sat in silence as the sun approached the horizon, watching as the sun set. The night sky soon shone with orange lights from the sun as it waved its goodbye.

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