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"I-i i'm just s-showing respect."
Hyunjin answered, cursing at himself for stuttering like a loser.

"Oh.. well you don't really have to, everyone's equal here. But if it makes you comfortable no one's gonna stop you either." Seungmin explained.

"You're really nice. No one has ever cared enough to bring me food or try to look for me. Hell they wouldn't even notice i'm gone." Hyunjin stopped stuttering, he himself was surprised at how easy it was for him to calm down. Maybe it's the thick smell of cherry that was clouding his senses that comforted him.

"Well.. now i'm here! I'll eat with you here from now on! You can just tell me what you want from the cafeteria and i'll bring it." Seungmin offered with a grin.
The alpha's smile was shining. There were no excuses, anyone with eyes would think he was beautiful. His fluffy brown hair resting on his forehead, perfect eyes which literally held the entire universe in them, and his puffy cheeks that Hyunjin wanted to squish everytime he saw them.

" okay?"
Hyunjin widened his eyes realising that he had been staring at seungmin. 

'fuck he definitely thinks i'm weird now' Hyunjin's thoughts raced through his mind.

"Yeah! Yeah i'm great. You don't have to do that for me. I'm sure you have other friends you would like to spend time with."

"Nope. I'm coming here everyday now. And those friends...nah i've spent my entire life with them. I wanna get to know you now."

"O-oh okay."
As much as Hyunjin didn't want to waste Seungmin's time, he really didn't want to argue with a pure alpha.

'Cmon seungmin don't be a pussy just do it'

'Wtf no he will think I'm weird'

'but he seems like he needs to hear something positive'

"you're really pretty"
Seungmin finally spat after having that internal debate with himself.
Hyunjin's cheeks were quick to turn red immediately after he heard those words. He tried to hide it by looking down.

"Hey why are you hiding? It's true! Especially your eyes and look like a prince!"

"I d-do not! Please s-stop"
Hyunjin had his face covered with his hands and he was looking at everything but Seungmins eyes,
but seungmin didn't miss it
He didn't miss the bright smile that spread across Hyunjin's face when he heard what Seungmin said.
He'd never seen him smile before, sure he was handsome and god-like but damn that smile could make the entire world seem like nothing.

"No way. You're even more handsome when you're smiling!"
Seungmin exclaimed again.

At this point Hyunjin didn't even know what to reply so he just nodded. His face feeling hot, he already knew how red we was.

"Also, pass me your phone."
Seungmin stated, stretching his hand out.

Hyunjin looked at  him with a 'uh what?' look but did it anyway not forgetting to unlock it first.

"Here y'a go, my number is in there now. I'll be waiting for a text."
Seungmin said to the other male and even winked.

'God seungmin why did you wink that was gross'
He thought to himself 
Well too bad he did it anyway. Hyunjin nearly choked on the apple listening to Seungmin's words.

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