fifteen (18+)

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Getting slightly frustrated with the situation and Jisung shaking uncontrollably, Minho shoved his lover against the bed and pushed jisungs arms down beside him. Hovering right on top of the sobbing omega Minho grabbed his chin and forced him to make eye contact.
"Tell me right now if you really want this. You wont be angry when we're done."

Jisung, hearing this immediately nodded his head aggressively.

"Use your words, baby boy."

"Y-yes yes! I want it. I want you!"

Finally being able to let himself go, Minho crashed his lips onto jisungs, making out almost immediately. Shoving his tongue into the omegas mouth, both desperate for each other. Jisung moaning into Minho's mouth when Minho grinded on him.

Minho's hands travelled under jisungs shirt, caressing the soft skin of his stomach. Pulling away from the kiss to remove Jisung's shirt.
However, Despite being the one literally begging for it just moments ago, jisung suddenly felt shy exposing his everything to his alpha. Using his arms to try to cover up the skin that the shirt he was wearing previously was hiding.

"Sweetie, why are you hiding? Didn't you ask for this just now?"

Whining jisung looked down and tried to figure out a reply for what Minho just said, but right now he was the vulnerable one so in the end he didn't say anything other then let out more whines.

"It's okay babe ill remove mine too, ill even remove my pants first okay. We'll take it slow."
Minho replied thinking that it would calm his lover if he was the more exposed one.

"And baby, you have to promise you'll stop me if you don't want to continue okay?"

"O-okay alpha"

Smiling at his sub who was trying so hard for him, he quickly pulled his shirt and pants off, standing in just his boxers in front of jisung. Jisungs eyes went wide, he knew his alpha was ripped but damn he didn't know he was this ripped. Biceps flexing, abs rock hard, v-line defined and that bulging tent under the thin fabric of his boxers. And Let's not forget, Minho's thick ass thighs.

Ironically though, That all made jisung even more insecure, he was an omega, it was in his blood that he was of a smaller figure, arms slim and a tiny waist. Basically half Minho's size at this point, and he was afraid Minho would feel differently towards him after seeing his supposedly ugly body.

Unable to explain what he was feeling, jisung just moved backwards on the bed, backing away from Minho and trying to hide his chest. But before he could go any further Minho grabbed his wrist.

"You're insecure aren't you? You think ill hate you because you have an 'ugly' body."

"Ill stop if you want but you have to go through your heat yourself. Ill have to leave and call your parents."

"N-no I dont want y-you to leave. Stay please!"

"I can't, love, you triggered my rut, its taking every ounce of patience I have right now not to just devour you babe. If you want me to stop I have to leave. Now."

Crying all over again because he didn't want his lover gone while he was in pain, jisung whined saying he wanted Minho to continue.

Being the concerned boyfriend he is, Minho made up his mind and he had to leave jisung, he knew jisung wasn't comfortable. He got off the bed to put his clothes on but by then jisung lost it too, he pulled his alpha back onto the bed and sat on him.

"Fuck me, please!"

Jisung grinded, both their lengths throbbbing in pain. Minho letting out a low groan. Getting a little angry at jisungs indecisiveness. Feeling tired of going back and forth Minho flipped them over and pullled jisungs shorts off before growling slightly, leaving them both in their boxers.

This time jisung didn't do anything but comply, letting his heat get the better of him. Putting all of his trust into his alpha, believing that Minho will take good care of him the entire time.

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