thirty two

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Seungmin glanced at the sleeping boy next to him, he got up and slowly pulled his deflated knot out of the older, shushing the boy when he whimpered in his sleep. He picked up his phone and dialled the captain who was driving the yacht to turn back to the dock, before making his way to the washroom. He took a wet towel and wiped all over his and Hyunjin's body whispering sweet nothings to the boy even though he knew he was asleep, admiring the love marks he left on the hybrids milky white skin. He chuckled as he got flashbacks of what happened literally thirty minutes ago.
He helped Hyunjin get dressed, picking up the clothes that somehow ended up on the other end of the room.

"Mm alpha? Where are we?"
Hyunjin gained consciousness considering Seungmin was moving his body a lot to put on the clothes.

"Sorry I woke you princess, um we're still on the yacht."
Hyunjin nodded before sitting up and clinging to Seungmin, pecking the alpha's lips. Seungmin could feel the bond created between them after they completed the mating cycle, he could feel Hyunjin's emotions and so could the other boy.

"I love you princess."
Hyunjin lifted his head that was resting on Seungmin's shoulder.

"Hehe I know. Aren't I so lovable."
Seungmin rolled his eyes at the hybrid, starting to leave kisses on the hybrids neck. He stopped at the spot where he had marked the other and grazed his teeth on the spot, before kissing it repeatedly.

"I love you too Min. You're so handsome you know that."

The alpha felt a warm feeling spread in his chest, god what was Hyunjin doing to him. Hyunjin perked up with a grin before pulling Seungmin's face right in front of his, remembering something that he had been wanting to mention.

"Minnie, do you know that I'm older than you?"

"Yeah by like half a year, it doesn't count. We're the same age."

"It countsss. Hehehe you needa call me hyung!"

The alpha side eyed the older boy,
"All I need to call you is puppy, then you'll reply with master."

Hyunjin whined at Seungmin, furrowing his brows. Hyunjin scolding the alpha for bringing up their sex life.

"Actually now that I think of it, calling you Hyung is kinda sexy. Imagine someone younger than you fucking you into oblivion while calling you Hyung. Hot." Seungmin stated blatantly.

Hyunjin now was at a loss for words, he started to fantasise Seungmin degrading him yet using the honorific.

'Look at you worshiping my dick hyung. So fucking pathetic.'

''re so fucking hot when you're bouncing on my cock.'

"Why are you thinking about Hyung.."
Seungmin whispered to Hyunjin's ear. Hyunjin pushed the alpha away, moving to the other end of the bed sitting on the edge.

"N-no don't call me that now."
Hyunjin closed his legs as he felt Seungmin's words going straight down to his length. Seungmin smirked at himself before he made his way to the other boy, hugging him and placing his face on Hyunjin's neck.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"
Hyunjin choked on air, fanning himself as he clasped his other hand over his mouth. Acting dramatic was truly his strong suit. He suddenly stopped his actions and turned his head to the alpha, staring at him.

"About time. You already bit my neck and shoved your dick into my ass."

"Sass me again and I'll use your mouth for something else."
Seungmin stated bluntly as he lightly pinched Hyunjin's thigh, Hyunjin turning around and sticking his tongue out at Seungmin. Seungmin was pleased to see how comfortable the hybrid was with him now. He loved this playful and gentle side of the boy, the boy he loved. Just this morning he was going on about how he wasn't fit to be his mate, well look at them now.

As they felt the yacht stop moving, Seungmin stood up from the bed and offered his hand to the older boy. Hyunjin gladly took it, before he could even properly lift his ass, he let out a shriek and fell to the ground. The shocked alpha quickly crouched next to him to ask if he was fine.

"My butt hurts so fucking bad. This is your fault."

Seungmin burst out laughing, holding onto his stomach for emphasis. Hyunjin let out a grunt before pushing the younger boy.

"Are you laughing at me? You did this!"

"I'm sorry princess, here I'll carry you okay."

Hyunjin let out a huff and crossed his arms. His ass truly did hurt so he never turned down Seungmin's offer. Before he knew it, Seungmin had lifted him from the ground, his instincts making him throw his hands around Seungmin's neck, pulling his body closer to his.

"I thought you were mad at me."

"Well I mean.. it's not technically your fault?"

"Ah so you changed your mind."

"N-no I mean- It was my first time, so if it didn't hurt that would be weird."

Seungmin just shook his head at the boy in his arms, smiling to himself as he walked out of the yacht.

Seungmin leaned the backrest of the passenger seat after he had placed Hyunjin on the seat.

"You can sleep first princess , I'll have to carry you later anyway."

"W-wait! Where are we going?"

"My house, where else?"

"Minnie! We have school in like 5 hours. My books and bag are at my apartment."

Seungmin made an O with his mouth before scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll drop by then we grab your stuff? Then we go back to my house?"

"Just drop me at home silly. I'll see you at school anyway."

"No your ass hurts. And I want cuddles."

Hyunjin hesitated.

"Princess, you know I can feel it if you feel strong emotions right, I know you're longing for me."

Hyunjin whined in reply, forgetting that they had indeed completed the mating process. He could feel that Seungmin did not want him to leave either. He sighed and gave in, nodding his head at the younger. Seungmin squealed before shutting the car door shut and walking to the drivers side.

"Give me your address."

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