twenty three

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Hyunjin agreed. He would stay the night at Seungmin's house. It wasn't like he had other things to do at his own house anyway. The following day was a weekend, so they both wouldn't have school. For the most part Hyunjin was at Seungmin's house, they were just cuddling and talking about little things that didn't matter. Like whether pineapple should be on pizza. However that did create a huge disagreement between them and if seungmin didn't give in,Hyunjin would have probably left his house.

Before they had realised, the clock already showed 8:57 pm.

Right now, both boys were seated facing each other on the bed. Hyunjin looking down and playing with his fingers while seungmin kept scratching the back of his neck.

"So, what happens if you can smell my scent?" Hyunjin finally broke the lasting anxious silence. "I'll claim you." Seungmin stated blatantly.
Hyunjin's eyes widened at the statement. Firstly, taken aback by Seungmin's straightforwardness. Secondly, feeling overwhelmed by the thought of having someone to take care of him. Finally having a mate, a lover to depend on. He's never had that, he'd been by himself since he could mouth his very first words.

9:00 pm.

Seungmin took a deep breath. Then he inhaled again. Then a third time. And then a forth, before pulling Hyunjin into a hug, burying his face in Hyunjin's neck.

"Honey." Seungmin stated.
Hyunjin gulped. That could only mean one thing. Seungmin can smell his scent. They were fated for each other. Before any of the boys could say anything, Seungmin started kissing Hyunjin's neck, then his jaw, then his collarbone. Hyunjin was frozen in place. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't uncomfortable with Seungmin, but everything was just moving too quickly.
He felt Seungmin's tongue glide over his collarbone, that's when he unconsciously let out a soft whimper, his body shivering at the new feeling.

"Seungmin stop it"
Hyunjin's plea was ignored so he did what he had to do. He took all of his strength and pushed Seungmin off him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Hyunjin. I didn't mean to. Fuck I'm sorry."
Silence overcame them. Neither Hyunjin nor Seungmin knew what to say. Seungmin figured if he didn't say anything, they would remain like that for hours.

"Hyunjin, i think we're mates."
Hyunjin nodded, but never looked up to face Seungmin. He was currently at the brink of breaking down. He didn't know to be happy or upset. He was happy he finally had someone. However, he was reminded that he was a low class hybrid. What kind of pure alpha would want a mate of his rank? Nothing good would come out of it, it would only end the alpha bloodline.

"I have to leave. Now." Hyunjin muttered before getting off the bed and walking to the door. Seungmin following immediately after, unsure of what was racing through his mates mind. Hyunjin grabbed onto the door knob and pull the door open, but before he could move another muscle, Seungmin pushed the door close and locked it. He placed his hands on either sides of Hyunjin's waist and turned him around, pressing Hyunjin's back on the door. Seungmin had eliminated any space in between them. The hybrid in front of him still unable to make eye contact.

Seungmin moved his head next to Hyunjin's ear, "Sweetheart, if you think I'd let you walk out of my room with just my shirt and boxers, you're badly mistaken."
Hyunjin gulped, holding in his breath. After everything that happened he had forgotten that his lower body was exposed. He could sense that Seungmin wasn't too happy with this.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.
Seungmin didn't reply. Instead he kept his face on Hyunjin's neck, moving his left arm around Hyunjin's waist to pull him closer.
"You're mine now." He finally said.

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