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Seungmin wondered where Hyunjin was, as far as he knew it's been a week since he had attended this school and in all that time, Seungmin had never seen him eat lunch at the cafeteria... weird.

Seungmin worried for him.
Hyunjin looked tired all the time and he never talked to anyone ever.
He knew Hyunjin was a hybrid, anyone could smell that but their school is accepting. No one ever comments about others.
Even if there were gossip going around, it was kinda closeted and never became anything that was too much to handle, like physical bullying.
Hyunjin wasn't the only hybrid in the school, in fact there were many others of the same rank as him. Hell even the head of the student council was a hybrid. If that didn't show that the school was accepting, Seungmin didn't know what would. So why was Hyunjin so shut out from the world? No other hybrid in school acted like him.

Seungmin thought  back to the only time he heard Hyunjin's voice when he mentioned his name. He wasn't going to lie he wanted to hear him speak more. His voice sounded sweet, intoxicating even.
So seungmin made his decision. He was gonna look for Hyunjin and make sure he wasn't starving himself. Seungmin got up from the table he and his friends were sitting on and grabbed his bag of sandwiches that wasn't opened yet, an apple and a bottle of water.

"Guys i uh- im gonna go look for that Hyunjin guy, i've never seen him eat lunch and i just wanna make sure he isn't starving himself" Seungmin stated, scratching the back of his neck.

"So like.... are you in love with him now or...? Because you wouldn't be doing that if u weren't."
Chan spoke up and looked at Seungmin with his eyes narrowed.

"Channie leave him be. So what if he's in love, maybe hyun-something is his mate. You never know." Felix said smacking chans shoulder.

"His name is hyunjin, and no i don't think he's my mate. I cant smell him but i mean- he is cute." Seungmin spoke up, trying to defend himself.

"Aha! I knew you had a thing for him ever since u asked jesus if he made people that pretty"
Jisung spat.

"Oh shut up i hope you choke on Minho's dick"

"He already does." Minho deadpanned.

"Hey I'm eating over here!" Felix uttered in disbelief.

Seungmin shook his head wondering why he was friends with those shitheads before turning to leave the cafeteria, looking for a certain blond haired boy.

It was cold outside but Hyunjin really liked it there at the rooftop. It made him feel free, there wasn't anyone around so he could finally let go and not be so tense looking out for AOBs so he could bow and keep his head low. Just moments after he enjoyed his surroundings however, his stomach started to growl and churn in hunger.
Hyunjin groaned,
"Will you shut up, we can eat later or something i'm not going to that thing called a cafeteria filled with people" Hyunjin said to his own stomach looking like a weirdo but thankfully no one was around.
Or so he thought.

"Uh i guess i came at the right time"
Hyunjin whipped his head to the door so quickly he cracked his neck.
"S-seungmin!" Hyunjin exclaimed in shock, before immediately standing up and bowing. 

"Hey! Uh i brought some food and came to look for you, and based on what i just heard you say you definitely are hungry so I'm not taking a 'no' for an answer."

Hyunjin simply nodded and went back to where he was sitting before on the ground, feeling mostly thankful for Seungmin, he truly was starving.
Seungmin opened the bag of sandwiches and gave Hyunjin a piece.
"Here eat up, feel free to ask for more. I'm not that hungry anyway."
Hyunjin nodded again and took the sandwich, munching it down almost immediately.

"Why do you always bow to everyone when you're walking through the halls or just... in general?" Seungmin finally spat, his curiosity getting the better of him.

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