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"You didn't tell me you have a literal cook working for you! What's next a butler who removes your shoes for you when you enter the house?" Hyunjin whisper-yelled as he stuffed his face with the delicious breakfast prepared for him after being seated at the Kim family's grand ass dinner table. As far as Hyunjin was concerned they only had four people in their family...so why a dinner table that seats what 17 people.

"Uhm actally...we do have a butler. Haven't you seen him around?" Seungmin calmly replied as he sliced his waffle into bite size pieces.

Hyunjin snorted, shaking his head as he thought of all the wealth the Kim family had. In the meantime, two adults were seen walking towards the dinner table, both fully dressed in expensive formal clothing. One of them being Seungmin's mom who Hyunjin had already encountered earlier and the other being a good-looking middle aged man who Hyunjin assumed to be Seungmin's father. And he was right.

"Hey mom, hey dad. This is Hyunjin, a friend from school" Seungmin cheerfully did introductions.

Both adults, now seated, simply nodded and gave a smile to Hyunjin, to which he didn't know how to react so he just replied with a small grin. Hyunjin by this time, was growing uncomfortable. The masculinity of all three alphas on that table was driving him insane. Not in a good way. It all reminded him of his mother who he oh so despises.
He genuinely felt like he was going to throw up, and eating the food prepared for him that quickly did not help his case one bit.

"So son, you must have a reason for not being in school today and having someone over without informing us before hand" Seungmin's father stated, sounding serious.

That made Hyunjin want to run the fuck away. No seriously he was terrified by the things that could happen right this moment. Firstly, he walked into Seungmin's house, which literally only had alphas living in it other than the maids and other workers, without any care in the world. Secondly, he was a literal hybrid, sitting on the same table as one of the richest and most respected families in Korea. In his head he was in deep shit. They literally can beat him up here and now, and he'd be defenceless, given his smaller and weaker body due to his rank.

"Uhm well you see i couldn't sleep last night and my wolf was really pestering me. I felt a weird uneasiness. So then i went for a run like i always do when im stressed. Then you see, i bumped into Hyunjin and then he looked lonely and it was 3 am so a hybrid walking around alone doesn't really make for a safe situation. and so i invited him to eat at the convenience store down the street. And BOOM now he's here." Seungmin explained with weird hand gestures like he was trying to swat an annoying fly. Which Hyunjin found adorable, making him giggle, only to have his eyes widened and immediately looking down when all three alphas look at him weirdly. Bowing and letting a soft apology slip, he continued to just stare at his panda socks and played with his nails.

"Alright but that still doesn't explain why you invited him over,"

"Oh yeah about that he uhm wasn't feeling well and then fell asleep so i couldn't possibly ask where he lived so i carried him here." Seungmin ended his sentence with two thumbs up.

"Okay then why cant you two go to school?"

"bEcAuse hEs nOt fEeLiNg weLL?? were you even following the story my dear parents."

Hyunjin was awed by how casually Seungmin spoke to his own parents. He figured they were only crazy formal right now because he was seated there listening, and Seungmin being him, didn't get the memo. But he was sure that they were definitely a close knitted family. His heart sudden felt heavy, wishing he had parents like that. Hell he wished he even had a family.

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