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A huge smile was plastered across Hyunjin's face as the movie credits started to show on the big screen. He clapped a little, loud enough for only him and probably the person next to him to hear. And in this case Seungmin was next to him, staring at him for some reason.
In fact, what Hyunjin didn't know was that Seungmin had been staring at him for two hours, basically throughout the whole movie. I mean, it wasn't like Seungmin was interested in the movie anyway, he wasn't into cartoons.
He liked horror and all that thriller shit. He only agreed to Spongebob because it made Hyunjin so happy.

"Is there.. something on my face?" Hyunjin questioned, pouting and already wiping his face even when there was nothing on it.

"" Seungmin cupped his cheeks and looked him in the eye.

"I really don't think i've ever seen someone as pretty as you"

Hyunjin was speechless, his face was fully red and his breaths were shallow, indicating that he was nervous. Who wouldn't be? A pure alpha just said he was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

Seungmin's eyes travelled across Hyunjin's face, carefully taking in all his perfect features. He specifically stopped longer to stare at a tiny mole under Hyunjin's right eye.

"hey that mole you have really complements your featu—"


Before Seungmin could even complete his sentence, the sound of someone coughing was heard from the door. Both boys equally shocked, whipped their heads towards the door with wide eyes. Seungmin quickly removed his hands from Hyunjin's face.

"Seungmin who is this? And why aren't you two in school? It's already 1130 am"

"o-oh hi mom, this is Hyunjin, my friend. And i don't think we can go to school today"

"well then, hello there Hyunjin i'm Seungmin's mom, you can just call me aunty. You two get ready for breakfast and Seungmin i hope you have an explanation for why you can't go to school today"

Hyunjin only replied with a little wave, not even properly looking up as the strong masculine scent was literally radiating off her. What did he expect, of course both Seungmin's parents were alphas, that's where Seungmin's pure blood came from. His nostrils flared as he tried not to run from the strong masculine scent coming from the woman which reminded him of his own abusive mom.

Hyunjin only managed to untense after Seungmin's mom had left for a few minutes and her scent slowly disappeared. Seungmin noticed this, as in how uncomfortable Hyunjin looked when his mom was there. He made a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Hey let's go back to my room yeah. We'll go grab you a jacket then we'll go eat."

Hyunjin nodded as he stood up. Seungmin carefully guiding him back to his room as he looked like he would collapse any moment, both from how skinny and how pale he looked.

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