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"How's my baby doing?"
Felix could recognise that voice anywhere. The strong arms that wrapped around his slim waist gave it away too.

"Channie hyung!!"
Felix quickly shut his locker and turned around, immediately hugging Chan, giggling softly.

"Miss me?"
Felix pushed him away and pouted.

"Yeah, I missed you so much I thought I was gonna go insane." Felix crossed his arms in an attempt to look more serious, which failed because it only made Chan chuckled and squish his cheeks.

"Awe baby, I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I thought of you the whole time I was going through my rut."

Felix's ears heated up and he was pretty convinced his face was red.

'He was thinking of me during his rut?'
'What the fuck?'
'Doesn't that mean this dude literally jerked off to me?'

Chan's words crowded Felix's mind. Felix wanted to slap the playful smirk off Chan's face but instead just kept his head low and looked at everything but his dear boyfriend, the feeling of embarrassment coursing through his body.

"Oh yeah, here's your hoodie, thanks for letting me use it. It helped a lot. I really missed you."

"Did you wash it?" Felix took the hoodie from Chan but gripping it with only this thumb and pointer finger, holding it as far from his face as he could.

"Excuse me sir who do you think i am? I used that through my rut, obviously i washed it. Why? Would you have preferred it if i didn't ?"
"Ya know maybe next time I shouldn't ask for your hoodie, I should just ask for you"
Felix felt embarrassed at how casually Chan spoke about mating.

"Chan! S-stop with your nonsense!" Felix stuttered.

"Yeah man stop. Like stop doing this shit in front of my locker geez."
Felix and Chan turned around to the voice they heard only to find a tall blond guy with his arms crossed staring at them.

'Okay this is just not even an accident at this point. Why is there always some disgusting sappy shit happening right in front of my locker?'
Hyunjin thought to himself, feeling annoyed.

"O-oh sorry." Felix let out and pulled his boyfriend to the side to allow Hyunjin access to his own locker. It turns out, Felix's locker was right next to his. Hyunjin just ignored to couple and went to key in his code for his locker.

That's where it hit him again.

'Fucking hell one of them is a pure alpha fuck fuck fuck i'm gonna die.'
Hyunjin thought as he widened his eyes, angry at himself for always accidentally being rude to those of much much higher rank than he was. He was scared, he could see from his peripheral vision that the alpha wasn't too happy with the way he had spoken to his omega. He knew that he probably wouldn't have had it this easily if the smaller omega wasn't there to calm the alpha down. 
Meanwhile Felix indeed was trying to calm Chan's nerves. He knew he utterly hated it when anyone spoke that way to him. He knew it was just because he cared about him but he didn't want him to get mad. He held onto Chan's hands which were balled into fists and whispered that he was alright. Chan only clenching his jaw but soon nodding and continued to wrap one hand around Felix's waist.

Felix eyed the blond boy who was digging through his locker.

"Hey wait! You're that blond pretty boy who Minnie has a thing for." Felix exclaimed, not realising he had just exposed something that his best friend that specifically told him not to.
Hyunjin turned to the voice that spoke, which was the omega who had surprisingly pretty eyes that Hyunjin caught himself being in awe for a few seconds before being able to give any kind of reaction or reply.

"The blond who? that who? has a what for?" Hyunjin questioned, feeling sceptical.

Felix then clasped his hands over his mouth when he realised what he said. Afterwards, of course with such great timing, a friend of Felix walked into the scene, still right infront of Hyunjin's locker.

"Hey guys! Oh you again." Seungmin waved to his friends when he noticed Hyunjin.

"Are you 'minnie' by any chance?" Hyunjin directed the question to Seungmin, using his fingers to form quotation marks in the air when he said Minnie.
Seungmin looked at Hyunjin with a confused look but answered anyway,
"Yeah my friends call me that. My names Seungmin though, what's up?"

"O-oh I'm Hyunjin."
By this point, Hyunjin was trying not to inhale anything because there it was again, that strong scent that was pulling him in.


Hyunjin knew that smell was radiating off of Seungmin. He just wanted to cuddle with the alpha and cover himself with the comforting smell. It made him feel like he had a reason to live.

'If I can smell his actual scent does it really mean he's my mate?'
'That can't be, I can never be with him, he's a fucking pure for fucks sake.'

Hyunjin took the things he needed from his locker, not forgetting to drop a few things because well- it's Hyunjin, and quickly gave a bow to the three boys who were still there while still staring at him awkwardly for some reason, before walking away as fast as he could. He hoped to never encounter that kind of situation ever again.

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