twenty four

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"Channie Hyung!!"
Felix screamed as he walked into his lover's apartment. It was the weekend and the couple of course would be spending time with one another. They were inseparable after all.
There was no reply to Felix's call. He ended up putting his bag down in Chan's bedroom before lying down. He could hear water running from the washroom so he assumed Chan was taking a shower. What he didn't expect was for the washroom door to suddenly whip open literally two seconds after he laid down. Revealing a his mate with just a towel around his waist.

Felix shot up and engulfed Chan in a hug.
"I missed you alpha." Chan chuckled at the younger, hugging him back.
"I missed you too love." Felix pulled away, his arms still wrapped around Chan's neck. He got on his tiptoes and left a peck on Chan's lips.
"Let me put on some clothes first darling." Felix nodded and let go of him. Chan proceeded to put on boxers and sweats, but before he could pick up his shirt, Felix ran and snatched it.
"I think what you're wearing is good enough." Chan raised a brow at the younger, taken aback by the sudden boldness. Felix grabbed his arm and led him to the bed. They both lie down and Felix immediately cuddled his boyfriend.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Felix nodded and Chan put on a Disney movie, knowing its Felix's favourite.

The supposed plan didn't last long though. 30 mins into the movie, Felix started to pay more attention to Chan than the movie. More specifically Chan's body, the one he was laying his head on right now. His left hand started tracing his boyfriend's body. Starting from his chest where his pecks were as hard as rocks then moving down to his abs. Felix then looked up at Chan, who had already paused the movie, knowing the younger wasn't so interested in Elsa and Anna anymore.

"How are you my boyfriend? You're so perfect, and beautiful, and kind." Felix stated looking straight into Chan's eyes.
"Don't you regret having a mate like me? A stupid ugly omega. I'm nothing compared to you."
Hearing his boyfriend talk about himself like that made him angry, furious even. Chan sat up and pulled Felix onto his lap.

"What makes you think that? Have I ever told you that you weren't good enough for me?"
Felix just shrugged. He didn't know what had gotten into him. He suddenly felt like Chan would be happier with someone else. Someone of higher rank. Someone who could continue the pure blood.
Chan moved his hand to grab onto Felix's cheek, making the younger face him and look him in the eye. He crashed his lips onto Felix's, pulling him into a loving kiss. Their lips moving in sync, like they were moulded for one another. After a while Felix needed to catch his breath so he pulled away, but Chan didn't waste a moment and attached his lips onto his boyfriends neck instead. Chan loved Felix's scent. The smell of vanilla making him feel comforted, I guess you can say that for Chan, home truly was a person.
Felix let out a soft hum as Chan grazed his teeth over the bite mark he had left next to his shoulder blade, indicating who Felix belonged to.

"I love you so much darling, please don't think otherwise. And if anyone ever says you're not good enough they better hope i don't find out because i will personally decapitate them."
Felix giggled at Chan's choice of words and nodded.

"I'm sorry i just really love you and i hate the idea of not having you by my side. Or worse, having you love someone else other than me." Felix poured out his thoughts honestly. He hated keeping things from the older, he always somehow found out anyway. Chan kissed both Felix's cheeks, then his forehead, then his nose, then his chin, and finally his lips.

"I can't love anyone other than you silly. I love you too much you literally have me wrapped around your finger. Remember that time i got into a fistfight with Minho after accidentally raising my voice at Jisung for making you cry. I know it was over something stupid that i cant even remember but i hated seeing your beautiful face covered in tears so i lashed out." Felix nodded, he knew the older always kept his cool, but when he saw how mad he was when he got upset he knew he really cared.
Felix started tracing the bite mark on Chan's neck left by none other than himself. Chan smiled at the smaller boy pulling him closer while placing his hands underneath his shirt, feeling Felix's bare skin.

"Can I?" Felix questioned.

"You know I'd let you do anything to me sunshine."

"Then how about I change your last name to Lee?"
Chan chuckled at the statement,

"Damn baby, I guess you can, but I think Bang Felix sounds better."
Felix giggled at the older and proceeded with what he intended to too, which was to give Chan hickeys. He felt so protective over him. He wanted everyone to know that he was taken. He attached his lips onto Chan's neck  and started out kissing, sucking and biting at the skin. Before he could prevent his own actions, Felix rolled his hips forward, letting out an unintentional whimper leave his mouth.

"What are you trying to do love?"

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