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for fucks sake i'm dead

why do i keep doing this

it's not like i haven't learnt my lesson enough to still keep getting into trouble with pures
i thought to myself, cursing silently

the words that flew out of my mouth had me nearly peeing my pants when i realised he was a pure i just called him blind

right now i refuse to even look at him, just continuously bowing and saying i was sorry and it was my fault

alphas in my school are nice and they basically mind their own business but on the streets is where i'm really vulnerable
and right now i just fucked it up like i do with everything

the pure didn't seem to be saying or doing anything so i took a chance and looked up at him

my eyes went wide and i was sure i openly said wow he's hot

immediately crashing my hands over my mouth as i turned red, regretting my choices


it was seungmin

"oh uh thanks? you're not so bad yourself. but uh why you out here at like 3.30am"
he asked

"well mister i could ask the same for you. who in the world jogs this freaking early"

seungmin crossed his arms and gave me a slight glare, not liking the way i talked back to him

i took a step back, shivering due to how he looked at me (also because it was lowkey turning me on so i kinda wanna get out of this situation) and mumbled a tiny 'sorry'

"it's okay just answer my question"
he said

"i w-was i uh... i couldn't sleep yeah that's it"

i was losing my mind, since he was sweating due to him running,
i could clearly smell both his masculinity as an alpha as well as the sweet smell of cherry

with the way he looked was also so hot i just didn't know what to do
even answering a simple question was a hard thing for me to do right now

"well okay because same, i woke up in the middle of the night with my wolf pestering me saying that something was wrong"

"a-and so you d-decided to run?"
fucking weakling stop stuttering,
i cursed at myself

"uh yeah i guess. running keeps my mind off things, it calms my wolf too"


awe my jinnie is stuttering
so adorable

"well okay i guess i'll see you in school later"
i said to him not wanting to make him uncomfortable

as i started jog away hyunjin spoke up

"w-wait!" he called

i stopped to turn and looked at him

"ah n-nevermind sorry"
he said all red faced and looking down, playing with his fingers

i rolled my eyes knowing he wanted to tell me something but chickened out at the end

i walked over right to where he was and placed my pointed finger on his chin and lifted his face

making eye contact with him made me feel somethings i never did with anyone else

"what did you wanna say babe, don't have to be shy"

he tried to looked elsewhere but my hand was holding onto his chin, making him look at me

he closed his eyes and inhaled

"i-i mean since w-we're already here, i w-was thinking m-m-maybe you wanna follow me t-to the convenience store. and g-get some instant n-noodles?"

god he's so cute

"awe you don't have to think so much when u wanted to ask me, i would love to go with you"

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