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"i-i i don't know w-what to tell you. yeah i've b-been through t-things in m-my life but i'm just a-afraid if i told you, you'll l-look down on me too"

i figured maybe he said that because he's really never had someone to trust and depend on before
i'll be that someone
i'll be anything you need me to be

unsure of how to reply to his words i just sat closer to him and pulled him into a warm hug, feeling glad that he didn't push me away but cuddled closer instead, placing his head on my shoulder and literally breathing on my neck

"don't tell me then. i told you, you don't have to if you're not comfortable. it's not like you're obligated to tell me anyway"

"b-but i feel like i owe you so much"

"princess you don't owe me anything, i'm doing this because i want to. from now on, if you need anything, please please come to me. i'll take care of you"

he nodded not saying anything but i could hear him sniffling and grabbing onto my shirt tightly

"hey let's do something that will get your mind off this okay. wanna watch a movie?"

he looked up at me
"y-yeah sounds fun. i've never watched movies before"

hearing what he said made me shocked but i didn't want to say anything incase it would offend him

"well then, let's go to my basement"

"uh why? you said watch movies, you have a laptop and a television here"

"yes but i also have a movie theatre downstairs"

"wait what the fuck? deadass are you for real? i know this house is huge and ur rich but you own a movie theatre?"

"yes now do you want to go or not"

he quickly hopped off the bed

"hell yeah! let's go!"
he grabbed onto me and pulled me out of my own room

i opened the door and he exited still holding onto my arm


"sweetie, i know you're excited but please keep it down i think my brother is sleeping"

"oh i uh i'm so sorry"

"it's okay"

we walked to where the lift was located and i pressed the basement
his eyes were in awe as he looked through the glass of the lift observing my house like it was made of gold

reaching the right level, we walked towards a large black door and i opened it for him to enter

"woahh it's larger than i imagined"

i just chuckled at all the comments he made

"hey is there any movie u wanna watch? or at lease give me a genre"

"uh i w-wanna w-watch spongebob"
he mumbled shyly

"what was that princess i didn't hear you"
i said as i scrolled through netflix with a remote

"n-nevermind, you choose"

"hey i know you said what you wanted to watch. i'm sorry i didn't hear you but you can tell me. i won't judge i promise"


i giggled at him watching his cheeks turn slightly red

"spongebob it is then, i don't know why you're so embarrassed. i like spongebob too"

and so i clicked the spongebob movie and turned the lights off
then made my way to sit next to hyunjin

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