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"You good over there? Looking stressed."
Seungmin questioned Felix who was silent the entire time Minho, Jisung and Seungmin were teasing each other. The three were currently in the locker hall to pick up their books for their next class and usually, Felix would be laughing hysterically and making jokes by now but he had just been silent and staring at basically nothing. He wasn't acting like the bright and happy boy he was and all three of friends noticed this.

"Yeah you've been unlike yourself these few days. You're so quiet and keep pushing us away"
Jisung butted in, making Seungmin glare at him.

A long sigh left Felix's lips
"I j-just... really miss chan." The boy pouted and crossed his arms.

Then it all suddenly made sense,
Chan's rut hit a few days ago and he hasn't been coming to college
since. The last time they saw him was when he had an intense make out with Felix after asking him for a hoodie to help during his rut. Felix was really down since his mate hasn't been able to spend time with him.

"It's okay Lixie you have us remember, and I'm sure Chan will be back by tomorrow."
Jisung patted his shoulder and gave him a hug. Seungmin joined the hug, feeling sorry for Felix. Meanwhile, Minho stood at the side looking at the three boys. Let's just say he wasn't really one for physical touch, other than his Jisung of course.

'Damn bro of all the places in this campus, they choose to have a cuddle session right in front of my locker. How sweet.'
Hyunjin thought to himself as he saw the shit that was going on right in front of his locker.
Three boys were hugging each other, the fuck?

"Excuse me sirs, I believe the locker you guys are blocking due to your lovey dovey friendship, belongs to me." Hyunjin spat.
A statement that was supposed to be short and polite came out as a sarcastic deadpan. It's hyunjin we're talking about here, what's him without drama am I right.

Some cute puppy looking boy pushed the two other boys away and stepped back, allowing Hyunjin access to his own locker. Hyunjin wasn't in the mood for people today so he just gave the few boys a nod and entered the code for his locker. Before he could proceed with anything else however, Hyunjin stopped in his tracks as his nose flared when he inhaled scents that were recognisable anywhere, he could tell that two of them were pure alphas and the other two were omegas. Hyunjin kept his head low because he could be in serious shit right now.
A low class hybrid like himself just sassed not one but two pure fucking alphas.
He shut his eyes and inhaled deep breaths to calm his thoughts but that plan obviously failed when he could feel himself close to literally pissing his pants.

Hyunjin figured he'll just bow really really like really fucking low before he walked away. That was plan A and that didn't work he didn't have a plan B so he thought he was probably gonna get beat up by them, it wasn't really the first time he'd been bullied because of this rank, in fact it might even be something he was used to.

"Yo I didn't know jesus made people that pretty."
Seungmin whispered to himself as he watched the locker boy stride away, still looking at him as he admired his long blond hair and slim figure.  Seungmin wasn't expecting a reply but well was he wrong because Jisung went batshit crazy when he overhead what Seungmin said.

"Omg Seungmin has a crush!!"

'God this kid is really loud. Why doesn't minho hyung just make him walk around with a gag in his mouth. Then again that would be a gross sight to see so nah.' Seungmin thought.

"Minho hyung how did you learn to deal with this annoying squirrel looking fruity ass." Seungmin crossed his arms, taking that question very seriously.


also hyunjin is bottom and you can't argue because top
seungmin says so

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