twenty two

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Seungmin brushed Hyunjin's hair away from his face. The two were currently cuddled up in Seungmin's bed after that ordeal that occured in the bathroom. Hyunjin was awake, but the both of them didn't say anything. Just comfortable silence surrounding them, and they enjoyed it.
Sooner or later however, Seungmin's mind started to wonder off. He was reminded of the fact that Hyunjin had mentioned being able to smell his Cherry scent.

'Isn't the only person who can smell that supposed to be my mate?'
Seungmin thought hard, and it was true, no one else knew his scent was cherry, so why would that be an exception for Hyunjin. The only thing stopping him from being convinced that him and Hyunjin were made for each other was the fact that he couldn't smell Hyunjin.
'Could he be using suppressants?'

Hyunjin looked up to Seungmin who clearly had wondered off into his own world. He didn't want to interrupt though, he had never felt so safe, so comfortable before so he didn't want to move. He let Seungmin be but before he could do that, Seungmin moved to look down at him.
Hyunjin got shy. All Seungmin did was say a word to him. He didn't know what to do. So he opted to give a tiny wave back and just hide his face.

"Hey princess, i have a question for you"
Hyunjin finally looked at him and nodded.
"What's wrong?" Hyunjin tilted his head, waiting for Seungmin to ask.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to but, do you use suppressants?"

Hyunjin was taken aback by this, why did Seungmin ask all of a sudden. Hyunjin didn't want to lie to someone who had done so much for him. So he thought the truth was what he should share.

"Y-yes, why do you ask?"

Seungmin felt a mix of emotions hearing Hyunjin's reply. For the most part he was happy, excited even. But he had to hold himself back. He didn't want to be disappointed later. He was now more convinced that Hyunjin belonged to him. But then again, he can only confirm that once Hyunjin's suppressants wear off. If he really could smell Hyunjin, then he would finally claim what was rightfully his.

"Um when does it wear off?"
Hyunjin again, was shocked by the question. Why was Seungmin so curious? It wasn't really his business. Hyunjin didn't know whether he should be telling Seungmin all this. What if Seungmin wasn't really as nice as he seemed, what if he was like every other alpha he's ever encountered in his life. He would be devastated if all Seungmin wanted all along was to take advantage of him. Hyunjin sat up from the cuddling position they were in, which made Seungmin do the same.

"Why are you asking me this?"

Seungmin moved to face Hyunjin. He figured being honest with him was what was right. Miscommunication was something he hated, so he wanted to avoid that at all costs. He told Hyunjin that earlier on, he mentioned that he could smell his cherry scent.

"According to how ever the fuck this works, i think you're my mate. I mean, only you can smell me right?"
"But the thing is, i cant smell your scent. So i don't know what to believe right now. And I realised that only suppressants can hide scents."

Hyunjin cursed at himself internally for letting it slip that he could smell cherry.
If he was entirely honest with himself, he was also kind of curious. He indeed was the only one who could smell Seungmin's signature scent.

"My suppressants wear off tonight at 9."
Seungmin smiled, thankful Hyunjin was honest. He looked to his bedside table and checked the time. 3:35pm.

"Do you wanna maybe crash here tonight?"


I'm back guys. So sorry for such a long hiatus.

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