twenty one (18+)

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All Jisung could feel was pain. Physically. From his thighs to his literal butthole, everything was aching. It was as if he joined the Navy Seals and had his first training after months of lying around and doing nothing. He tried to move but he couldn't, partly because he felt so lethargic, but mainly because Minho had his arm wrapped around him.

Everything hit Jisung like a truck. Boy literally had flashbacks of the week he had with his mate. He turned so red if a tomato saw him it'd be jealous.

'Oh my god what the fuck???? What do i do? Do i run?'
'What the hell this is literally my house where the fuck am I supposed to run to?'
'Felix yes of course where else'

"You okay there sweetheart?" Minho spoke up after staring at Jisung who was so lost in his own world he didn't even notice his lover looking at him.
Jisungs eyes went wide and he gulped. Nodding his head, not brave enough to look up to face Minho.

"You're shy now? You need me to remind you how you acted this week? Your heat sure brings out an.. interesting side of you." Minho was never going to let Jisung live this down. I mean come on he called Minho daddy.

Jisung pouted and pushed Minho's chest, making Minho move backwards but they're legs were still entangled from cuddling. Minho's thighs brushed against Jisung's dick ever so lightly, making Jisung freeze in his spot. Minho being him, noticed what happened almost immediately and decided to make it way worse for Jisung. He pushed his thigh upwards, putting more pressure on Jisung's dick.

At this point Jisung wasn't okay. He was still trying to comprehend the fact that they were both still completely naked. They've fucked a lot the past week because of they're uncontrollable hormones but it was different having sex if it was during heat. It was either do it or suffer being in constant pain until his heat was over. Jisung was in headspace the entire time and he didn't stop Minho from doing anything because it hurts. Right now, he wasn't in heat. He would truly feel everything, without being in omega headspace. And for some reason, that scared him.

Minho just wanted to test the waters, he knew Jisung's heat had ended. He wanted to make sure that Jisung didn't just have sex with him because he was just simply the nearest alpha around when Jisung fell into heat. Minho knew Jisung loved him, he just wanted to feel what it would be like if Jisung wasn't clouded with the need that his heat gave him. Minho wanted Jisung to want him because of his own desire. Not because of lust due to his heat. As an alpha he was possessive but with his personality, everything was way more intense. If possible, he wouldn't even want any alpha within a 3 meter radius of his dear Jisung.

The thought of other alphas touching Jisung put him on edge. Only he was allowed to touch Jisung. Only he could see his omega like this. With that thought in his head, Minho gripped Jisung's waist and pushed it down as he flexed his thigh muscle so that there would be even more friction between Jisung's dick and Minho's thigh. A whimper left Jisung's lips, making Minho smirk.

"M-minho, what are y-you doing?"
"Pleasuring you, my love. Why? Do you want me to stop."
"N-no please, don't s-stop."

"So you like it when i do this?"
Minho pulled Jisung's hips forward, making him roll his hips. Another whimper left Jisung's lips. He started to move his hips on his own. With Minho guiding him of course. Jisung grinded down on Minho's thigh and started to let out soft moans.

"Let me hear you sweetheart."
Minho said as he remove one hand from Jisung's waist and wrapped it around his neck instead. A little kink of Jisung's that he had learnt during the past week. Jisung's mouth fell open and he no longer held back his moans. He continued to ride Minho's thigh, picking up speed as he tried to reach his climax faster.

"Look at you. I don't even have to touch you and you're already shaking from the pleasure hm sweetheart."

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