thirty (18+)

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TW: self harm scars

"Ow! What the hell Seungmin!"
Seungmin in fact had pinched Hyunjin's exposed thigh. To those who had forgotten, all Hyunjin was wearing was an oversized hoodie and a boxers. His thighs were on display for the alpha next to him.

"Sorry princess, your thighs are so ...cute? I don't know I just wanna bite them."


"Don't blame me baby they look like those cute mochi balls hehehehe."

Hyunjin pushed Seungmin away from him.

"Perv." He mumbled.

"Yeah but only because you turn me on so much Princess."
Hyunjin wanted to throw himself into a well and drown in his own tears. To say he was embarrassed wasn't accurate enough. He looked at everything but the smirking alpha next to him. He hated how easy it was to make him flustered.

"Princesssss look at me please. Or else I'll kiss you."
Hyunjin didn't listen.
Which was why they ended up in the position they were in right now. Seungmin was holding onto Hyunjin's face, forcing the hybrid to look into his eyes. Seungmin pecked Hyunjin's lips. But that of course didn't satisfy him. He ended up crashing both their lips together, Hyunjin too startled to move. But his mouth had other plans, almost like it was moving against his own will. Without realising, Hyunjin was making out with the other boy, their tongues fighting for dominance, Seungmin winning as Hyunjin let out an unintentional whine.

Damn was Seungmin enjoying this feeling. He wanted more from Hyunjin, he didn't know what had gotten into him. He grabbed the hybrid's hips, lifting him from the thin mattress and placed him on his lap instead, not breaking their kiss. He moved his hands to feel Hyunjin's thighs, something he had wanted to do since he saw the boy wearing the hoodie. He frowned into the kiss as he ran his fingers over the scars on the hybrid's thigh, it reminded him of the pain that Hyunjin went through alone. He didn't want that to happen ever again. He wanted to protect the boy, care for him and love him with his whole heart.

Hyunjin pulled away first and hid his face in the alphas neck his legs still straddling the other boy.
Seungmin kissed the hybrid's neck repeatedly, moving down to his collarbones. Hyunjin squirmed under Seungmin's grip, feeling his body getting hotter as the pits of his stomach churned with anticipation from feeling Seungmin's hands roaming around his legs, occasionally stopping too close to his length.

"A-alpha, can we g-go inside p-please."
Seungmin never replied, but his actions complied with the hybrids request, gripping onto him as he got up from his sitting position. Hyunjin clung onto him like a koala as Seungmin carried them to the bed, sitting down on the bed and leaning against the headrest. Their position didn't change, Seungmin's hands still gripping onto Hyunjin's thigh.

"Your scent drives me mad princess. I just want to mark you and make you mine."

Hyunjin let out a shaky breath, eyes half lidded as his mind went foggy from inhaling so much of the dominant's scent.

"D-do it."
To say Seungmin was shocked was an understatement, he was gobsmacked.

"I'm a-already yours alpha, just bite me."

Seungmin gulped, his heart pounding at the hybrids words, not expecting Hyunjin to give him consent so early in their relationship. He landed his lips yet again on the hybrids neck, Hyunjin now leaning his head to one side to allow Seungmin access. Seungmin started sucking on the skin, he smiled when he heard Hyunjin whimper as he licked a certain spot near Hyunjin's collarbone. Seungmin lightly nibbled the skin leaving a hickey before letting his fangs dip into the soft skin of his sweet spot, drawing blood. Hyunjin gasped at the sudden feeling of pain and pleasure coursing through his core, digging his nails into Seungmin's forearm, rolling his hips forward unintentionally. He officially belonged to Seungmin now. Seungmin groaned at the feeling, Hyunjin unaware that he had awaken little Seungmin. Seungmin wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's waist and pulled the hybrid forward, grinding their lengths together.

"A-ah S-seungmin.."
Seungmin growled in reply, his mouth still busy sucking and nibbling on the hybrids skin.

"Seungmin s-stop a-ah"
Hyunjin's actions however, didn't mirror his words. His hips were moving on their own now, Seungmin just holding onto his waist as the boy on top was applying friction onto both their lengths.

"I'm not doing anything Princess, aren't you the one rolling your hips?" Hyunjin could feel Seungmin smirk against the skin of his neck. He just couldn't control himself, god did he want to see the alpha naked in front of him. The sudden thoughts of Seungmin's body flooding his mind making his desire overwhelm him, giving him a newfound confidence.

"My turn, alpha."

Hyunjin pulled Seungmin's face out of his neck and connected their lips, licking Seungmin's bottom lip. Seungmin slid his hands beneath Hyunjin's, well technically his, hoodie to hold onto Hyunjin's bare waist, allowing Hyunjin to lead. Hyunjin unbuttoned Seungmin's shirt, exposing the alphas chest and abs. Hyunjin disconnected their lips only to stare down at Seungmin's body, finally getting a good view of his pecks and defined abs, the body he was craving to see. Hyunjin turned red, suddenly feeling shy that he was literally sitting on top of an alpha as hot as Seungmin. Seungmin grabbed one of Hyunjin's hand and placed it on his chest, smirking as he eyed the hybrids actions.

Hyunjin dragged his hand down from Seungmin's pecks to his abs, feeling the soft skin. He leaned down to kiss Seungmin's collarbone, taking in all of Seungmin's cherry scent. He wanted to mark Seungmin too. He wanted everyone else to know that Seungmin was claimed by none other than himself. He sucked on Seungmin's neck. Seungmin letting out a low groan when Hyunjin sucked on the skin near the back of his ear. Giggling, Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Seungmin.

"Can I mark you too, alpha?"
Seungmin nodded before kissing Hyunjin's cheek.
Hyunjin kissed the spot near the back of Seungmin's ear before sucking, and finally letting his fangs sink into the alpha. Seungmin gripped onto Hyunjin's waist as a breathy moan escaped his lips. The bite mark Hyunjin left on Seungmin was not nearly as brutal looking as the one Seungmin left on him but Hyunjin didn't mind it, the mark he left was at a way more obvious area than the one Seungmin left on him anyway.

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