twenty six

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Hyunjin didn't know what to do. He was currently stuck between the door and a very hot pure alpha. There was barely any space between them, Seungmin's abs pressing against his body.

"Princess.." Seungmin let out softly, with his face in Hyunjin's neck.

"Fuck you smell so good, I can't believe you're all mine." He continued.

"N-no Seungmin I-I'm n-not yours." Hyunjin tried to state firmly, cursing internally for stuttering. His hands were on Seungmin's chest, trying his best to push the alpha away, but that only made Seungmin growl and grip his waist tighter, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

"Then explain why you know I smell like cherry and how I know you smell like honey." Seungmin tried to reason with the boy. Hyunjin opened his mouth but closed it again almost immediately because he knew there was no excuse he could make that made any sense. It was just how it works, if you could smell someone's signature scent and vice versa, that means you were meant for that person.

"N-no thats not w-what I meant."

"Then what do you mean, princess?"
Hyunjin shook his head, not wanting to answer. He wasn't convinced Seungmin could actually love him. To him, he shouldn't even be around someone like Seungmin, he was rich, popular, good-looking and most of all, he was of pure blood. Hyunjin on the other hand, was a hybrid. Someone as low class as him should never be seen next to Seungmin, what more be his mate? Hyunjin wasn't sure how he was going to tell Seungmin this.

"D-don't call m-me princess." Hyunjin tried to change the topic.
"Okay, I'll call you prince then."
"Hm okay.. what about I call you mine?"
"S-seungmin no! Stop please."
"But why? You're my mate."

Hyunjin's ears turned red hearing this. Did Seungmin forget that he was a hybrid? Was he crazy? Did he really not care about his rank?

"Seungmin I'm a hybrid! Please just forget this happened and let me go. I shouldn't ever be seen near you. I shouldn't stop your pure bloodline. I shouldn't contaminate it with my disgusting genes."
Seungmin pulled away from Hyunjin after he heard what he said, not believing his ears.

"What? Hyunjin I don't give a fuck about your rank, that doesn't determine who you are as a person. You're fated for me for a reason, I'm not letting your rank change what I think about you."
Hyunjin looked into Seungmin's eyes, all he saw was sincerity, he knew Seungmin was honest with him.

"N-no! Go a-away!" A tear rolled down Hyunjin's cheek, before he knew it his face was red. More tears escaped his eyes as memories of his abusive mother who was an alpha flashed in his mind. Hyunjin closed his eyes and grabbed his head, trying to shake the thoughts out of his mind, his attempts obviously not doing anything to help as he ended up breaking down again that day. Hyunjin remembered how his mother had treated him. He remembered how the alphas at his previous school had treated him. He remembered the pain he had to go through all alone. Every alpha he encountered in his life other than Changbin had made him want to end everything, to leave this earth and sleep forever. If every alpha he came across treated him like he was dirt, why in the world would Seungmin be any different.

Seungmin's heart ached looking at the boy, feeling so bad he couldn't do anything but try to comfort him. He hated seeing his mate like this, he wanted to see Hyunjin smile. He loved the way his cheekbones raised and eyes turned into crescents. He wanted to hear his laugher, the heart-warming giggles and occasional gasps for air when he got carried away. Seungmin carried Hyunjin to the bed and pulled him close to his chest, wanting to keep the boy warm and comfortable.

"We'll talk about this once you calm down okay, prince."
Hyunjin just grabbed onto Seungmin's shirt, moving closer to the other against his will. He was worried Seungmin was like the others and would just hurt him, but he couldn't help the way Seungmin made him feel. Oh how he would love to have Seungmin's face as the last thing he saw before he fell asleep and the first thing he saw when he woke up. He wanted to feel safe in Seungmin's arms, to shower him in kisses when they cuddled or to hold his hand as they took a stroll through a park. But he would never risk it again, he never wanted to feel the pain he did before ever again.
Hyunjin's breaths soon grew stable but his thoughts still raced in his head. He glanced over at the clock on Seungmin's wall, 1:20am.  He looked up to Seungmin, who's eyes were closed, peacefully sleeping with his arms wrapped around Hyunjin. Hyunjin didn't want to wake the alpha, but he was having difficulty sleeping, like he usually does. He was used to it, but usually he would get up and do something else to occupy himself, but this time, he was trapped in Seungmin's embrace. He was left with just his thoughts, what he hated the most. He hated being alone with himself, the feeling of empty loneliness making his mind race and think of horrible scenarios where he always ends up hurt.

Hyunjin was relieved, finally someone broke him from his disturbing imaginations. He looked to Seungmin, who's eyes were barely open.
"Go back to sleep." Hyunjin said.
"What about you? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Hyunjin lied.

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