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"Thank you for the food Mr and Mrs Kim, its not often that I get delicious food to eat."

Hyunjin was truly grateful for the kindness shown to him by the Kim family. He bowed again and again to thank Seungmin's parents and only stopped when Seungmin managed to drag him away back to his bedroom.

"Go take a shower." Seungmin told him after they entered his room. He pulled out a shirt and a towel from his closet to pass to Hyunjin. Hyunjin nodded and made his way into the toilet connected to Seungmin's room.

"What the fuck? Why'd you have a whole jacuzzi in here? and where did that view even come from ?"

Hyunjin, once again was awed by how wealthy Seungmin really was. He was really humble for someone who has what he has, Hyunjin thought. Seungmin leaned against the doorframe of the toilet while smiling at Hyunjin who was looking at the beautiful scenery through the window while standing next to the jacuzzi.

"You like it?" Seungmin questioned

"I freaking love it"

"Why don't you just stay with me here then, you can stop renting that apartment and use the money you earn from that cafe you work at to pay for your school fees."

Hyunjin immediately refused, he was not going to take advantage of Seungmin's kindness. Furthermore, what would Seungmin's parents think of him. He's way to embarassed for that.

"Okay man, just offering. It's fine if you don't want to."

Seungmin left the toilet and closed the door behind him, giving Hyunjin his privacy. Hyunjin really wanted to use to jacuzzi but opted for the shower instead, not wanted to use Seungmin's bathroom for too long.

'Let's be honest, how bad can it be to stay with him right? It will make it easier for me to pay the school.' Hyunjin kept trying to rationalise with himself.

'But I really don't want his pity, i don't need him'

As he stepped out of the shower to dry himself, he noticed that Seungmin only gave him his shirt and a pair of boxers. No pants, no shorts, no nothing to cover his boxers. Seungmin's shirt was long enough to cover his ass but it sure didn't make Hyunjin feel any better.

"Ugh did he forget? Or was this planned?" Hyunjin did not want to ask for pants because he did not want to seem ungrateful to Seungmin given that he had already done way too much for him. He took a look at himself in the mirror, the most prominent thing on this body being the scars on his arms but mostly his thighs. There was no way in hell he was leaving the toilet. No one can see what he has done to himself.

This made him emotional, he usually was able to contain it, but now it was surprisingly hard for him not to burst into tears. He wiped his eyes again and again thinking it would stop the tears from wetting his cheeks but it only made it worse. He began to shake as he fell to the ground, hugging his knees and sobbing as quietly as he could. He felt like pure shit for doing that to himself, he did not know why he did it. All it did was cause him pain and made him feel miserable. His breathing quickened, he felt like ending it all.

Meanwhile, Seungmin who was sitting on his bed was starting to worry about the male in his toilet. He wondered why he took so long on the shower. Its been at least an hour. Seungmin got up and knocked on the toilet door. He became more anxious when there was no reply. He rushed to his drawer to pull out the key for the toilet door.

Seungmin was met with a sobbing boy on the floor when he opened the door. Hyunjin was shocked and pulled his knees closer to him, forgetting that he was in just boxers and a shirt. His only priority was to hide his scars. From where Seungmin was standing he could see Hyunjin's ass on full display but that was a problem for later. He rushed over to Hyunjin to comfort the boy. Hyunjin made sure his wrists were faced down so that Seungmin wouldn't see them.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Hyunjin just kept his head low, even he didn't know what the problem was. Seungmin said nothing and he just hugged Hyunjin, placing his head on his chest. Seungmin's scent made Hyunjin feel alot better. It felt so comforting, he felt so safe. He never felt this way with anyone else before.


hi guys, i apologise for being so inactive. ill try to update as often as i can from now on :)

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