Hi...hi there 😍

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Brittany was crying uncontrollably leaning over Santana and hugging her.

"Brittany please stop crying, I'm okay, I'm okay." Santana consoles Brittany by softly rubbing her back.

Brittany pulls away from Santana wiping her eyes, trying to control her breathing.

"You you you  hhhaaaddd  us us us aalllll ssccareeddd an an an and worried," Brittany said while crying just like a small child would cry stammering her words in between gasping for air.

"Brittany" Santana looks over at her sobbing wife continues to talk "the baby... is he..." 

Brittany finally composed herself and wiped her tears and took a deep breath

"He's fine, he's so handsome San, " Brittany acknowledged

A soft knock is heard that interrupts Brittany

"Please excuse my interruption, but we need to get this adorable little guy acquainted with his Mami!" Nurse Crissy states while rolling in the nursery's crib to Brittany's side and then walking around to raise Santana's upper part of the bed upright. "And how are you feeling Santana?"

"Honestly, I'm starving and very thirsty," Santana said weakly

"I figured as much, what would you like to eat, I'll put your order in and have them bring it up ASAP?" Nurse Crissy asked

"Anything really, the biggest breakfast platter you've got and two bottles of water please?"Santana had asked

"I'll place the order and bring it to you once it's ready, I'll leave you to get acquainted with your son." Nurse Crissy said with a smile

Brittany got up and scooped up her son and brought him over to meet his Mami.

"Santana Hun, I'd like for you to meet our son Santino Miguel Pierce-Lopez," Brittany said smiling as she handed the little bundle over to her wife.

"Hi...hi baby..awe you are so adorable, aside from your mommy, you are the most beautiful person that I love so much!" Santana said crying holding her son for the very first time. {sniff} we didn't agree on a name yet, {sniff}  how did you come up with his name all by yourself? {sniff}

"Um... well while you were asleep and away from us for a few days and I didn't know how it was going to turn out I named him with part of your name as a namesake, please don't be mad, I know you wanted us both to come up with a name for him but they really needed a name for his birth certificate and this name just came to me?"  Brittany stammered while yawning as she sat down in the chair next to her wife's hospital bed and leaned her head on the side rail.

"I'm not mad Brittany, I think his name is perfect.  I think your perrr... " Santana went to look at her wife and noticed that she had fallen asleep on the chair next to her bedside and said "Awe, both of my babies are asleep,"  Santana said softly

A few minutes later, Crissy arrived with a tray of food for Santana to eat.  She had also noticed that Brittany had fallen asleep. So she placed the food tray on the rolling table and scooted it over to Santana. Crissy got the baby and placed him in the crib and then moved him to the edge of the bed so that Santana could eat. 

"I"m sure you already know this but your wife is amazing, she was going back and forth between you and your son in the nursery all hours of the day and night. She hardly slept. I don't know how she did it, She's so much in love with you and your son. She didn't want to miss anything.  In fact, she sang you that song by Aerosmith "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" and then the next night she sang you another song, the one by Taylor Swift, "Mine" and well you know the last one "Songbird". Crissy proudly said

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