2 days left

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With just two days left in New York. Everyone was starting to feel overwhelmed with emotions. 

Most of their stuff was packed, mainly clothes, and pictures. After all, this was going to be their home away from home.  Mr. Sanchez said that the apartment was theirs from now on.

The past few days the gang arrived earlier and have stayed later just to try and soak in all they can of Brittany, Santana, Santino, and Kyle.  Not to mention the gazillion pictures that have been taken.

It's Wednesday evening and the gang has arrived. Everyone had brought a dish for a potluck dinner and were all sitting around the dining room table eating and conversing.

"So are you guys all ready for Friday?" Rachel asked while holding Santino  facing Brittany

"Ready, as we'll ever be" Brittany, replied

"You don't sound so sure of yourself Britt, care to talk about it?" Rachel whispered as she adjusted Santino on her lap.

"It's just that, well, I mean, {sigh} I mean I know we are moving back home an all but we've lived here for two years, you know, we are established and now we are going back to be close to our parents because of not only Santino but now with Kyle and I'm not too sure how Kyle is going to adjust to life in Ohio. Plus if Lima will finally accept Santana and me, you know." Brittany stammered.

Rachel suggested that they move to the living room to talk more about their conversation. They settled in the far-off corner of the living room where Mike and Sam were playing games with Kyle on the Wii. 

Tina, Quinn, Mercedes were sitting talking with Santana while Mr. and Mrs. Lopez and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were in the kitchen washing the dishes.

"Hey, girl, we're really gonna miss you guys so much, you know that right?" Mercedes stated

"Yeah, I know girl, I know. We're gonna miss you all too, so much. But, hey make sure when you go on tour please make sure that Lima Ohio will be one of your stops okay?" Santana said with a smirk on her face

"What time is your flight on Friday?" Tina asked softly

" 11 am, " Santana said somberly

" Why so early?" Tina sighed

" We wanted to get it early in hopes that it won't mess up Santino's napping schedule," Santana said looking past the girls setting her eyes on her wife and infant son.

"When do you think you'll be back in New York?"  Mercedes asked

'Not too sure on that because we have to enroll Kyle in school, if we just had Santino we could come back at a moments notice but now with Kyle, we'd have to wait till he gets vacation time" Santana mentioned

"You sound like you have a little resentment" Tina whispered

"C'mon guys, you know how reserved Lima is! Do you really think that it's changed all that much in two years?" Santana whispered back

"So, are you and Brittany ready to face that, I mean now since you have both Kyle and Santino, have you prepared well Kyle for the lifestyle downshift that he's soon to come face to face with?" Mercedes asked softly rubbing at Santana's back

"He was telling us one night while he was getting ready for bed, he was in his teepee, and Britt and I were in our teepee," Santana says as she gets interrupted

"Wait,  you and Britt were sleeping in a teepee?" Tina asked

"Yes, because Britt's parents are sleeping in the guest, slash Britt's Fondue, Queso studio room, and my parents are sleeping in our room with Santino in the crib, and so yeah, we are sleeping in a teepee so that Kyle won't feel all alone here in the family room," Santana said

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