Pregnancy woes

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April showers bring May flowers as Santana is nearing the end of her first trimester in her pregnancy.  The tip from her mom really worked.  She has been adjusting to her new body as the pregnancy progresses.

It's Saturday morning and Brittany let Santana sleep in because she got in late from her book-signing mini-tour.  So Brittany wanted to make her a very special breakfast, mini heart shape pancakes, scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, wheat toast with avocado, and fresh orange juice. Britany placed them on the mahogany serving tray and walked to the bedroom. As Brittany entered Santana was just waking up. 

"Good morning my love, how are you feeling this morning?" Brittany asked

"Mmm good morning babe,  I'm feeling much better now that I see your beautiful face!" Santana said smiling

As Santana sat up in bed, Brittany couldn't help noticing Santana's new pregnancy body.

"Wow, Santana!" Brittany said

"What, what's wrong?" Santana asked

"You look, your um.. you look, Wow!" Brittany stammered

"I look, what?" Santana a little worried 

'Your boobs!" Wow!" Brittany said without taking her eyes off of them

"Yeah, I know crazy right! And these are all thanks to our baby unicorn!' Santana mentioned

"I don't know how I'm gonna be able to restrain myself! They look.." Brittany was lost with words

"They look amazing don't they!" Santana shimmied from side to side.

"Yes they look amazing but they also look delicious!" Brittany said still mesmerized by them

"Hey Britt, will you still love me when I get all big and fat at the end of this pregnancy?" Santana asked

"Hunny, you are not getting fat! It's all baby and you're gorgeous, hot, and extremely sexy!" Brittany happily replied 

"Sure, you say that now, but just wait till I'm eight or nine months pregnant and as big as a house, you'll change your tune!" Santana said pouting

"Oh, believe me, San, you will always be gorgeous to me always!" Brittany said as she leans in to give her wife a reassuring kiss

"Um, I've been meaning to talk to you about our future plans?" Santana mentioned

"Future plans, Hunny, you're not thinking about having another baby are you, I mean we haven't' even had this one yet?" Brittany said surprisingly 

"No, oh goodness no, I'm talking about our home? We have this place for what another year and two months? It won't just be the two of us anymore, we'll have our baby unicorn to worry about!"  Santana asked

"Santana sweetie, please don't worry about stuff like that, it's not healthy for you and for our baby!" Brittany said lovingly as she leaned in to kiss her wife.

"I've been thinking, would you be mad if I kinda want to move back to Lima so that we could be closer to not only my parents but your parents too!  I mean with all the money we have saved up we could totally buy a nice house with a good size front and backyard?"  Santana suggested

"You mean to tell me that you wanted out of Lima so bad and now that we are going to have a baby you want to move back to Lima?" Brittany questioned

"I know it sounds funny but just hear me out please babe?" Santana said.

"I'm just surprised as all, what made you decide this?" Brittany asked

" Well, our baby unicorn for one, I think it would be better to raise him/her in our hometown and be around his/her grandparents from both sides, I mean c'mom babe instant babysitters! and I just think it would be safer for our baby?' Santana said as she rubs her stomach.

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