A Pawblem!

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After announcing to the family about Santana's pregnancy, both Santana and Brittany wanted to announce the news to their good friends and co-workers.  Brittany had sent a group text message to all their Glee friends to a party at their apartment on Saturday evening in two weeks. Everyone R.S.V.P with one exception Puck, who was still stationed overseas.  

Brittany had a meeting with Mr. Sanchez at his office downtown at Univision Building.  

"Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, Mr. Sanchez will see you now" The receptionist Ana Cardillo mentioned

"Gracias" Brittany said as she got up and walked into Mr. Sanchez's office.

"Hola Senora Brittany," Mr. Sanchez said

"Hola Mr. Sanchez, thank you for meeting with me today?" Brittany said

"How can I help you today Brittany?" Asked Mr. Sanchez

"Um Mr. Sanchez, I don't know where to begin, um' Brittany was stammering

"Brittany, is everything okay? Is Santana okay?" Mr. Sanchez showed his concern.

"I'm okay, As far as Santana um well she's um. " Brittany still stammering

"Brittany, is Santana sick?' Mr.Sanchez asked concerningly

"Mr. Sanchez, Santana is pregnant through artificial insemination, and I was wondering when she has doctor appointments if I can go with her, Sir?" Brittany asked

"Oh, Brittany, congratulations. yes of course you can, just let us know the dates and times when you need to leave early? Mr. Sanchez mentioned

"Mr. Sanchez, would you be able to spread out the book signings so that Santana isn't overwhelmed?" Brittany asked

"Yes, of course, Brittany, just take good care of Santana and if there is anything we can do please don't be afraid to ask, after all, we are family, right? Would you mind if I tell my wife the good news and Diego and Cortez too" Mr. Sanchez said

"Of course you can tell them, thank you so much, Mr. Sanchez, this means so much?" Brittany said 

"I will adjust Santana's book signings and send you both the revised dates and if you can let me know on the dates for the doctor appointments we can adjust accordingly," Mr. Sanchez requested.

"Yes, we will. Thank you so much for understanding and your cooperation, Mr. Sanchez." Brittany said. 

As Brittany waited in the lobby of Univison for Diego and Cortez to finish up their meeting with Mr. Sanchez, she called Santana to check on how she's doing.

"Hi babe" Santana said yawning

"Hi hun, just wanted to call and see how you are feeling?" Brittany asked

"I'm doing okay, just a little tired," Santana said.  

The first month of pregnancy has been a trying one for Santana. Morning sickness all hours of the day and night.  Her sense of smell was heightened and became very sensitive with Lord and Lady Tubbington, well more so with their litter box.  Cooking certain dishes also made Santana queazy to her stomach. 

"Just get some rest and I'll be home as soon as I can, okay sweetie" Brittany mentioned

"I'm so sorry Britt." Santana emotionally said. 

" Hunny don't be sorry, just try and relax and get some rest. Just go lay down in the room and close the door so the cats won't bother you!" Brittany requested. 

Diego and Cortez met up with Brittany in the lobby and they both congratulated her on the good news. They made a quick stop before driving Brittany home. 

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