A Gleesgiving Continued

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Brittany and Santana just finished setting up the dining room table for all the guests. When the doorbell rings.  Ding Dong  

Brittany and Santana are excited to see who it is and see who wins the bet. They don't look through the peephole and just open the door.  "Hey guys, come on in," Brittany says. Artie and Tina are the first to arrive.  Santana has a huge smile on her face as she glances over at Brittany. They just nod at each other.  Artie has the Karaoke machine on his lap, the pumpkin pie on top of that, and the items to make the three-bean casserole in his backpack on the back of his wheelchair.  Tina is carrying two bags of groceries containing the salad and dressings, she even brought candy mints and small plastic bowls to place on the tables.  As they enter the apartment and make their way to the kitchen to drop off the items Brittany takes Artie over to the stereo in the living room to set up the Karaoke machine for later's festivities. 

Artie and Tina get the tour of the apartment by Brittany as Santana checks on the Turkey, ham, and scalloped potatoes.  As the oven door opens the apartment is quickly filled with the amazing aroma that hits everyone's noses.  Artie then rolls into the kitchen and says "Damn girl that smells like heaven. I'm ready to eat now!!"  Brittany agrees with Artie.  Tina says to Santana "This apartment is beautiful? How did you get it again, I was only told bits and pieces of the story."  Santana washes her hands to help Artie prepare his casserole to be placed in the oven.  Britt will tell you the story because I was asleep when it all happened.  As Britt was telling Artie and Tina the story, Tina washed her hands and started to put the salad together with both Romaine and Ice Burg lettuces, small cherry tomatoes cut in half, sliced cucumbers, cranberries, sunflower seeds, olives, golden corn kernels, and sweet peas. Tina asks Santana for a small pot to boil eggs to be placed in salad as well.  Tina then placed the salad dressings in the fridge. Once finished with the salad prep, she places to huge bowl in the fridge.  Then she walks over to the dining room table to place the small mints in several small tiny bowls and places them around the elegant place setting table.  

Ding Dong  The doorbell chimes again.  "I'll get it," Artie says.  Mercedes and Sam enter the apartment carrying the items they brought for the pot luck.  They walk in and place the items on the Kitchen counter and give hugs to everyone.  "Oh it's so nice and warm in here," Mercedes says.  "It's getting really cold outside now and it's starting to snow"  Sam mentions.  "Really, I haven't even looked out the window, I've been too busy to notice anything," Santana says.  Brittany says "I hope we don't lose power."  Santana calms her down to let her know that the stove and oven are gas as well as the fireplaces so they will still be able to use them to keep the apartment warm as well as the food.   Sam then says " This is the only time that gas is a good thing!'  Everyone starts to laugh. Santana then asks Brittany and Sam to start the fireplace to keep the apartment warm just in case anything should happen. Then the doorbell rings again. Brittany answers and it's Diego and Cortez and they have cases of soda and a few bottles of wine and tequila. Brittany quickly grabs one of the cases of soda from Diego and Artie gets a few bottles of Wine from Cortez.  Brittany then introduces everyone to Diego and Cortez.  

Everyone is standing around the dining room table eating from the vegetable platter that Mercedes brought. And some are drinking water or soda, and a few are drinking wine and all are having a good time. 

Ding Dong   The doorbell rings.  Sam answers and it Kurt and Blaine shivering and covered in Snow.  Sam hurries them in as Mercedes and Tina take the food items from them as Brittany and Sam hurry to take off their cold wet coats and lead them over by the fireplace. 

Santana makes Kurt a cup of warm tea and Blaine a cup of hot cocoa.  Tina and Mercedes take the Yams and Mashed Potatoes to the kitchen and place the potatoes in the warming tray. as well as the Yams. 

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